Sunday, 30 October 2011

Tony Blair hails his multicultural Britain

>Tony Blair has defended Labour’s controversial mass immigration policy by claiming that Britain cannot succeed unless it opens its borders to more people from different backgrounds.

>The former prime minister said it was 'right’ that the country was made up of different cultures and faiths mixing together.

>Mr Blair added that migrants had made Britain 'stronger’ and said those calling for greater curbs on foreigners entering the country were wrong.

>His comments come just days after official figures revealed that the population is expected to soar by the equivalent of a city the size of Leeds every year for the next decade.

>A defiant Mr Blair insisted his party’s policy on immigration was the right one. He said: 'It’s been a very positive thing and there is no way for a country like Britain to succeed in the future unless it is open to people of different colours, faiths and cultures.’

Douglas Holmes was right when he wrote that when Tony Blair speaks he alienates the part of the population that does not accord with his world embracing vision. Tony Blair is a really evil bastard, not like his cowardly colleagues who whine about him in the new statesman behind his back, he is a real warrior of the faith. In Alastair Campbell's 'the Blair years', an autobiographical work reputed to be the book most left in hotel rooms, he claimed that Blair based his all his actions an legal morals on a sect of Christianity which believes in what we would recognise as a form of absolute humanism - That all humans are naturally good and therefore the same and that the only legitimate human was one with humanist values. It was Tony Blair who wept in the oval office telling Clinton that he was abandoning his christian moral duty by not invading Serbia, It was Tony Blair who would take a vicarish tone whenever he spoke to the public on any issue, right up the the Iraq war and the Last days he said it was a human rights mission of which he was deeply proud. any and all issues, that extreme form of moral superiority and self righteousness. He left office to work for the UN as peace envoy to the Middle east and has made himself incredibly wealth doing it, he has earned £15 million a year and built a great property empire.

I wonder what his opinion would be if he had to live on minimum wage of the council estates across Britain that have been made a hell on hearth because of his devastating policies. In The above speech Tony Blair who let in 3 million immigrants, confirms what we knew in this classic article - that alleged the labour Immigration policy was a deliberate attempt to create a client base of future dependants=voters. I have highlighted the above quites; what does 'success' 'stronger' 'succeed' mean? what is the economic value of having a society that is more tolerant and diverse? - He isn't talking about economics you dummies, he is talking about the fact that the reason this was needed is to remould the country into his vision of a modern nation. Yes, you were lied to, shock and horror.

Britain is a country that is supposed to be grateful for it's freedom. in programmes we mock 20th century totalitarian regimes for their state sponsored buildings and social programmes - Freedom therefore clearly means the freedom of a political class to impose its will though the clenched teeth of the masses, just as tolerance is a virtue in and of itself with no regard to the evil that is tolerated.

Tony Blair has said loud and clear to the world that he did this because he hates this country, and he hates it's people; he wants to make it progressive and a model of his fellow politicians the world over 'Look at what i have done, how I have destroyed a people and created the new humanity representing the new individualist here in Britain!'. That he is so open about it shows his utter contempt for public opinion. You would think with people like Blair who would need fascists like us - he has made himself a figure of hatred in his own third world safe seats.

But nobody cares. This story wasn't even front page news, it is already in the memory hole. People will moan about how their lives are getting worse, but they will still vote like they do. what is required is a moral shock - a reaction against this that has a profound affect on the people. How can it be that this traitorous piece of filth can insult us in this way after such an injury, and continue to go unpunished?

This news came out on the same day an illegal immigrant strangled a man to death in the hospital bed next to him. it is no secret that the immigrants hate him and us indistinguishably. To Them, Blair it a war criminal and a christian terrorist - with things the way they are I am not holding out he will last forever, it is just a case of whether they get to him first.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

I am the 99%

>> I was forced to study a useless degree that did not have any real world application. This wasn’t a smart career move. The solution is for the government to reimburse me.

>> I am the 99%

>>I live in a world that doesn’t value fine arts degrees, it is worse than living in Nazi Germany. I should not be punished for trying to break the mould.

>>I am the 99%

>>I was fired from my job because I have issues with authority. My internet start up failed because I lack any business sense. None of this is my own fault.

>>I am the 99%

>>I am very angry that the government have nothing better to do than answer my emails during the worst economic crisis of recent times. I don't have problems and don’t need to work for a living as this takes up all my time.

>>I am the 99%

>>I am an attention whore. Look at my calligraphy. We are all in this thing together yeah?

>>I am the 99%

>>I am a lawyer, but I'm not very good as I can't get any clients who can actually afford to pay me.

>>I am the 99%

>>I was once rich but lost it all due to my own stupidity and greed. I am forced to be a rent boy because I can’t do menial work.

>>I am the 99%

>>This is a copy of my résumé. I don’t know why I don’t have a job.

>>I am the 99%

>>Woe is me. I took out a six digit loan for an education I did not bother to pass. I stayed out partying too long and collapsed from heat stroke. You should pay for this even though it was my own stupid fault.

>>I am the 99%

>>I don’t have problems but I am going to college and I don’t know how that will earn me money.
It is my opinion that education should be free no matter what I choose to learn whether it might benefit society or not.

>>I am the 99%

>>I am solidly middle class, I have two masters degrees I don’t have to pay for. I was able to buy my own house and this is the reason I cannot afford to get pregnant. I need more money.

>>I am the 99%

>I made frivolous purchases without a care for tomorrow, I made no plans for my future, I knocked up a girl and now it’s all catching up with me; I want the government to take make all my problems go away.

>I am the 99%

>>I am a junkie whore, I want you to pay me for advanced education as it is my human right.

>> I am the 99%

>>I am a Trans... WHAAAAAAAAT?!
.. Are you fucking serious?

.. look, If you are not going to make the effort

If you are like me you have been paying with some dismissive attention to this 'occupy wall street' protest in New York, it is of course just co opted crap - totally fake garbage performance by the Education industry and its student minions. That is fake, but people - they are real, and they do interest me. One for the side effects of the protest has been a mass outpouring of emotion on the internet 'I am the 99%' which has been dubbed 'the human face of the protest'. To me it is a window into the soul of post industrial decay - these ugly people and their ugly opinions exposes all the fatal flaws in our corrupt moral system of ethics and values more than it exposes our financial mess.

This idea of human rights and entitlement: Everyone has to be equal, everyone has to have a life, everyone has to have a degree in media studies, everyone has to have a blackberry messenger and a flat in town, and become a pop star - none of them ever question the whys and the wherefores. They have been pumped full of expectations and that sense of entitlement that have been put there by liberalism - Put there to fill the hole left by the destruction of our national culture, family, rights, duties, ect. Our reward for winning the war – to take any amount of shit to replace it with the weakness and dependence on the things liberalism was supposed to bring everyone. Don’t kid yourself, they are an endemic part of the problem.

I don't pity these people at all, they are scum. I had a friend from school that epitomised their condition; His thing was he really wanted to be something; he wanted to be a comedian and film director or some shit, but as an individual he was too weak. The interesting thing happened: When it was clear he was beginning to fail, when the realities of life started catch up with him, when he really needed some courage - instead of accepting the reality of the situation and facing up to it (Which would have then ultimately involved making just a few small changes to his life) he just collapsed into nothing instead. He began to cry, claimed he had a mental disability, faked illnesses and addictions, formed a victim ideology(anarchy), sought out a victim culture(drugs) - and believing in it all 100%. The more things got worse the deeper and deeper into this delusional sense of entitlement. When the state refused to accept he had a medical condition of any kind, he continued to stay on the dole - all the while blaming everything but himself and finding any excuse to not face up to anything.

This is the condition of the leftist movement, it is an identity fetish based on victimhood: If the 20th century was the century of the self, then the early 21st century is the century of the victim. On display is the lowest form of degeneracy and egoism. These people might play themselves the world’s largest violin - but they are the cause of their own problems - As well as my friend, I can't help but making comparisons to the student G20 protest in London which is exactly the same; a protest for more of what we already have; That feeling when tuition fees triple in the space of a year and they scream - FREE UNIVERSITY EDUCATION FOR EVERYONE ... To perpetuate the continued destruction by the junk capitalist system, the destruction of the city centres, massive government spending to create sub cultural zones. This temporising brainwashing communist shit has been instilled into the population by capital for the ultimate and continued benefit of capital - to keep people weak and stupid. All this protesting is an emotional charade, it is masturbation - it is a constant lie so it never has to admit its own failure. Even the actual demands of the protestors which include amnesty for illegal immigrants, bigger union powers, Equality legislation, open borders - policies like this are the reason for the declining standard of life and economic collapse. All the Government projects and easy credit that finance their exorbitant lifestyles are what have directly led to this financial meltdown. Think of these people as the last gasp of capitalism.

The way I see it is this - yes things are bad and they are going to get worse. The solution to the problem, like any other problem - is to be proactive and face up to the challenge - to strive and to struggle until victory or death, that is the fascist way!
Just standing around waving signs is embarrassing - it doesn't mean anything unless the people who wave those signs have the power to act. People posting pictures on the internet doesn't mean anything either unless those people are feared. Take responsibility, take control of own destiny, Through your actions you redeem yourself.

Rejected from art school
Not qualified for architecture school
Orphaned at 18
Homeless at 21
I slept on a park bench and dreamed of the world

I am the 99%