Monday, 31 December 2012

Integral Nation!

So... another year has passed and predictably the seemingly unavoidable decline of the British people and nation is still in full swing. Every day, week and month has brought the same news that is familiar to one and all – more broken promises, more corruption, more treason and more suffering.

No end of the decline under the present system is in sight, however we must never assume it is terminal. Those who think our people are asleep, that the struggle is pointless and that we will continually drift into disaster are wrong... For years we have been exploited by the international and financial gangsters, treasonous elite, Liberal/Marxist cancers and by the vices of sectionalism. The British people are very much awake; they know the system has failed and that the liberal democratic parties and politicians have failed, they know they have been sold down the river – they know they need an Alternative!

The true alternative is being found by the hearts of an ever increasing number of our people every minute of every hour – an end to the old degradation and rot, and the start of a grand new beginning! One nation of classes united in national feeling, one government in an uncompromising patriotism and action, giving strength and joy to a true homogeneous community of people. An Integral Nation!

We in Britain want nothing short of a revolution, a revolution in every sphere of life. We call for new government, a new system and a new man for a grand modern age of splendor and greatness. This is not a petty dream, this is an upcoming reality and Britain and Europe will become great again. The 21st century is ours!

Many in ‘our movement’ in parties like UKIP or the BNP believe a simple petty return to the 1950’s or some similar era will cure our ills, many of them think moaning and groaning like Victor Meldrew or Alf Garnett will somehow win the hearts and minds of the British people – no ideals or action, simply bland and meaningless jibber being constructed so as to show our ‘legitimacy’ to the illegitimate elite, and to hide the fear they have of their own beliefs.

How can people join our ranks with a mentality such as this? Self-Hatred is a disease of the weak-minded. The British people are crying for a new elite, who know what they are and know what they are doing. We cannot simply be moaners and reactionaries, clueless and scared... We must show ourselves as this new elite, unrelenting and firm in principle who can provide a future of action for the British people. After all the chaos, disorder and suffering of the old world our people cry!

Join our ranks, answer the calls and together let us build a Greater Britain!

Sunday, 30 December 2012

Recent Observations and Thoughts

I hear the word bankster being spoken often in general conversation by the public these days, who increasingly out of necessity are compelled to find out the root course of a crisis that threatens the whole material basis of the life they are building for themselves, preventing their happiness and ability to support a family.  Resulting from the world financial crisis of 2011 when the global economy was, and is faced, with a potential greater crisis than that of 1929. Since that time the world economy has been unable to settle.  Warped beyond reasonable proportions, the US military industry is finding it increasingly hard to justify itself as it continues to expand, increasing its bases across the world, tied in with the aims of lobby groups there.  The debt, national and personal, cannot be paid back to the finance houses that privately fund the central banks.  A privately owned global monetary system which knows no international barriers, indeed has been very effective in breaking these down through political and militarily means.  A system of money based on the creation of debt;  Debt is needed for the central banks to create money valued on the debt future interest profit – leveraged up and up, re-lent, hypothecated , re-hypothecated, speculatively invested on the chance of assets rising. A bubble of fiat money that has no real worth.  Lots of fiat money for city traders to gamble on the volatility of the bulls and bears, then off to spend the commissions on white powder, escorts and sports cars. The money changers have been working hard to debase the nations internally because that makes them easier to exploit; the UK in recent times has seen the introduction of parliaments, city councils, and regional assemblies which undermines the concept of the state as the legislative expression of a national will, but as an administration to be served – International finance governs Britain and knows that creating endless tiers of government will crystallise their power should the people ever recover their strength. The ambitions and gains of the Scottish National party is the clearest expression of how an expansion in the democratic process enhances the willingness to small parties to sell their souls to the devil as willing debt slaves in order to achieve their questionable goals – empowerment and representation to secessionists, immigrant/faggot/religious/scene ‘communities’, are all example of this.  

 When the people of a nation such as Greece were offered by their government the choice of whether they wanted to be saddled with debt, their leader was branded a lunatic by a media campaign and replaced by the EU with a more compliant leadership. This has lead Greeks to the only option of challenging the world system namely Nationalism in the form of the Golden Dawn party.  Nations cannot now let fellow nations fail as they have lent widely and invested across borders and so are tied to the same system. If theoretically any nation were to break free from financial slavery and refuse to pay the gratuitous payments to these vipers, then the people of Europe would then see how they had been robbed when they had willingly given such payments. Other nations which prove more difficult to control have the media set against them and following military intervention a central bank is set up, privately financed by the same international financiers and corporations.  New debt slaves are created, and the worlds few beneficiaries of this system will reap the interest profit for generations.  Private money and the supreme imperium it comes with.

The present situation in which we find ourselves clearly highlights the priorities of our rulers and the purpose of system they maintain.  The international financer takes as much profit as possible from the differing administrative areas of the Earth, deciding on policy for western nations though the private international clubs where they meet political and media men, money flows and private mutual  interests are perused.  Our present government’s business secretary tells the people that they are ‘’fighting an economic war’’ in order to restore the nations prosperity.  The way they wage this war however seems to be to remove the spending power from the majority of the nation’s people; utilities prices are high, fuel prices at a record high, food is expensive, VAT up, taxes up.  If people don’t have money in their pocket then they cannot spend it.  Money is there, it is just not distributed amongst the people.  Money flies out of this country in all directions, leaving aside the strange and increasingly indefensible foreign aid expenditure (a government minister was recently defending in an interview the millions being spent by UK tax payers on Indian start up business saying this ‘’will benefit the UK’’), the very wealthy avoid paying tax though various off shore arrangements and I don’t blame them.  Even the most nationalistic minded of wealthy individuals would have an issue giving half of their income to a government which in itself is not nationalistic and wastes revenue money on bazaar projects.  One of the government’s main preoccupations is attracting foreign investment; they prise triumphal events when a British business is bought out by foreign investors.  The main bulk of profit for the business then goes abroad to these investor/speculators to be spent in most cases abroad, and when the time comes that it is more cost effective to shut the whole of the UK operation (as there is usually a period of moving parts of the business abroad), that’s what they do.  Premiership football best represents the model of a sizable British business; foreign owned, using the old British brand, with foreign players and foreign fans.  All the UK public have to do is pay in, buy tickets and merchandise.  Many of the recent great mass off immigrant’s lobbied by financial interest to come here for a more competitive UK labour market (lower workers wages), send money earned here abroad to their families.  Executives take huge bonuses and do not spend this money in the real economy, they may prefer to buy a house on the Dubai palm island and buy their clothes from designer boutiques perhaps in Milan, meanwhile their workers are just scraping by.  Topped with large international bailouts for a rotten world system and contributions to the European Union organisation, which is anything but European in character, we have a great scarcity of money.

The government needs to put money in the pockets off the masses before they can spend it.  Any profits this country makes should be given back to the people in the form of the national dividend over and above wages and to the out of work. This is after all the people’s money which they earned, and presently it is taken away to get lost in the global system of finance.  Businesses will then have customers; the business then may grow and create more jobs.  Those who feel inclined to begin new enterprises could be provided with the funding from a nationalised credit provider that only provides credit for wealth creating ventures not speculative ones.  Henry Ford became one of the 20th century’s most successful businessmen by raising the wages of his workers so they could buy the motor cars they were building, and what works on the micro as with this example, works on the macro with regards the nation.  Let the peoples government decide on how much money needs to be printed, not private boards of individuals in central banks.  The monetary system we have should be to aid the human condition, not to enslave people to individual misery and interest payments.  By giving people social credit and the national dividend we remove power from the international viper and give it to the people. The present establishment and government will not allow this as they are the viper’s representatives, though in fairness I’m sure the majority of our elected representative’s act out of stupidity and cowardice.  Before a shift in power can be brought about, the people will have to unite and be ruthless and unforgiving in pursuit of their goals in order to change the system.  The vested powers will not give in and are themselves ruthless and unforgiving.       

This current system, the creation of dept to print money leading to booms, busts and the economics that brings war is a true nightmare for us all.  There are alternatives and it is the responsibility of those who are aware to educate and raise the consciousness of their fellow man, as only by standing together will we help bring about real change.    

Friday, 17 February 2012

Right to rule

The level to which the aristocracy has sunk is becoming an embarrassment, they are an absolute bloody disgrace – What do their children know today other than piano lessons and Harry Potter. For the past fifty years things have gotten worse and worse for our people and this priveledged class have lived in a god damn bubble – the revelation of such callous ignorance from people of the same nation is painful, because they used to represent an elite superior to any other in the world.

I really do admire Winston Churchill in a way because he was a ruthless, chauvanist, snobbish, grade A cunt - and he, like every prime minister and general before him never pretended to be anything else. As a leader he operated with disregard for the human lives around him, much like any other world leader at the time, but basically, Churchill and the elite he represented had 'Patriotism' on some level. Now it might be the case that' that definition might have excluded most of the population it was none the less a faith in and upholdance of the basic structures that underpin our being - That is what makes it all worth it. This fish eyed venomous Harridan on the other hand is just ignorant. Indeed I believe this is why Leftists use the term ‘ignorant’ to describe our position, as if listening to their moralising would change our view, really they should just call us evil – But that is beside the point.

If I am going to be commanded it should be by somebody who is superior to myself that represents something greater than I or my ambitions. Our people have never questioned the class system in any real way because they had a sense of pride in themselves, they didn’t look for others and knew ultimately only they could bring themselves out of the dirt – nobody questioned the kings and officials and scrutinised whether they deserved everything he had - we let them have through an agreement to mutual ignorance because we had pride in ourselves. If we sat and demanded somebody take care of us, then we would not be worthy of such charity, there can be no charity and neediness for our people - Saxons and bezerker Viking killers reduced to 'gibz me dat, who gonna feed mah baybiez'.

Virtually the first thing I ever learned to hate was a Tory; that a person could be so indifferent to the suffering of a people – it is the aspect of leftism that I hate – their indifference to our culture. As an individual though the cultural Marxist is just an enemy, a man for off in the distance in an entrenched position; we have our side, they have theirs I wouldn’t have it any other way, I don’t want to invite them or win them over or make them my friend. A red is willing to fight what it perceives as evil, all the aristocracy care about is though their god damn money, and so they fight for that life that is theirs - no wonder the country was so easily taken over.
They have preached responsibility to me my whole life, but I don’t see them taking a single one of theirs. Knowing them they are very bitter and angry – like us, they don’t like the new left elite, and they feel entitled without ever questioning WHY they declined. The Churchills of this world never really died out, they became vacuous and lazy so willingly allowed the deliberately evil to rule in their place. What we need is new leadership that is part of the people and know their problems, know the struggles and the poverty that have continued unchanged. Unpaid electricity bills, jacked up rents, expensive living, cold in winter – this is life for most people, unchanged amazingly in 40 years. That it never even occurred to Edwina Currie that our people are actually fighting out there and didn’t just choose to live this way is proof of all of this.