>A university student in Scotland was found guilty of racism after insulting a fellow student’s Israeli flag, and he was expelled from St. Andrews University.
>“This is a ridiculous conviction,” he said, according to the BBC. “I’m a member of anti-racism campaigns, and I am devastated that as someone who was fought against racism I have been tarnished in this way.”
Delicious irony, thats what you get for using an amorphous linguistic wunderwaffen to silence your opponents all the time - If it is completely narrative based then anyone can go under, like any other marxist concept.
I can think of better reasons for suspention but the little cunt got what he deserved. HA HA HA ANTIFA
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Witnessing the live birth of gangland
>It’s difficult to write the words “live births to non-UK women” without sounding like a member of the English Defence League, and God knows what would happen if anyone used the phrase on Newsnight. So let me quickly point out that it comes from the Office for National Statistics, and features in the Government press release that landed on my desk on Thursday morning. “Disconcerting” is the word I’d use to describe the information it contained. Others come to mind, but this is a supremely touchy subject, so forgive me if I play safe.
I love this little disclaimer - You are a journalist writing for a newspaper and you still have to worble about this and that because by god your trendy left wing media elite buddies might compare you to the EDL! Things like this are incriminating, you might as well ask to be led away in chains.
Keep on the offensive - stay consistant, point out the contradictions. The rest of the article does this, pay attention to how it attacks accepted left wing myths and sacred cows. repeat repeat, that way you make your point.
In 2010, a quarter of births were to mothers born outside the UK, according to the ONS. The same set of statistics also showed that immigration added 239,000 to our population – a number which proves that this Government has no more control over our borders than the last one. The public instinctively senses this, but immigration figures are sufficiently complex that the BBC has no difficulty in finding liberal lobby groups to obscure their meaning. Not so those “live births”.
If a quarter of all babies born in England and Wales are to foreign mothers, then we’re experiencing the biggest change in our demographic identity since the Anglo-Saxon invasions of the fifth century. Future historians will regard this as the major development in early 21st-century British history, more important even than the loss of our sovereignty to the EU, which I’m beginning to think may be reversed one day, thanks to the slapstick collapse of the euro. Demographic change, in contrast, can’t be undone by happy accidents.
Nothing like this has happened before. Please pay no attention next time a Left-wing historian pops up on TV to romanticise the arrival of the Normans, Huguenots, Eastern European Jews etc. These were significant influxes, but Great Britain has never been “a nation of immigrants”. Even cosmopolitan London has witnessed nothing remotely comparable to the population shift recorded by the ONS statistics. More than half of all babies born in the capital in 2010 were to foreign mothers; in the borough of Newham more than three quarters of all new mothers were born abroad.
Another statistic that jumps out of the ONS findings relates to Poles. In 2001, there were 896 babies born to Polish mothers in England and Wales; in 2010, there were 19,762. Meanwhile, births to Middle Eastern, African and Asian mothers amounted to 14.7 per cent – that’s twice the proportion of non-British European mothers. Add that 14.7 per cent to children born to non-white British mothers and within a few years, a quarter of young Britons will be black, Asian or of mixed race. In the capital, the total will be well over 50 per cent.
The colour of people’s skins isn’t the problem, of course. The danger lies in a clash of ethnic and religious cultures against a background of broken families. London is already well on the way to turning into a US city, with sprawling black ghettos and a semi-invisible network of foreign white gangs: organised crime from Eastern Europe, one of the most powerful forces in the world today, has only just begun to flex its muscles in Britain.
Alas, as the riots proved, we don’t have a clue how to police this emerging landscape – and, let’s face it, with Theresa May as Home Secretary, Ken Clarke as “Justice Secretary” and the ultra-wimpish Liberal Democrats as Coalition partners, we’re not about to find out. So watch this space, but from a safe distance.
Beheading a statue of a dictator is obviously a Middle Eastern tradition: this week, Col Gaddafi’s image received the same treatment as Saddam Hussein’s. Admittedly, we don’t have dictators and even our most conceited public figures don’t erect statues of themselves. Which is a shame, because think of the bracing pleasure afforded by pulling down a statue of Gordon Brown. Or lesser but equally grand figures, such as Peter Mandelson. Or – my personal choice – the Chancellor of Oxford University and chairman of the BBC Trust. Just imagine the great patronising thunk! made by a statue of Lord Patten of Barnes as it bounces off the pavement…
The Guardian certainly knows how to sweeten the pill for its readers. A report on plummeting US crime rates – the result of locking up more people – suggested that the inspiring example of Barack Obama may have persuaded a generation of inner-city youths to mend their ways. Bless.
But we shouldn’t dismiss the idea that a role model can change the course of someone’s life. Talitha Lewis, a 16-year-old from a rough part of north London, thought she was destined to become a typical “baby-mum” until Michelle Obama visited her school in Islington. This week she got 10 GCSEs, including three As. Could a lecture from Mrs Obama do that? I think so. Michelle is much less weedy than her husband. She’s a splendid First Lady; we’ll miss her after next year.
“Remembering that you are going to die is the best way to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.” That quote from Steve Jobs tells you a lot about why Apple succeeded. And it reads powerfully today, at the end of a week in which he has been forced to step down as CEO by serious illness.
Some people find the quasi-religious overtones of Jobs’s messages a bit creepy. But ask yourself: what would English Christianity look like if the Archbishops of Canterbury or Westminster had an ounce of Jobs’s famous “ferocious perfectionism”? Dr Rowan Williams’s labyrinthine musings are everything that an Apple product is not: difficult to understand and launched at the wrong moment. Vincent Nichols, meanwhile, presides over the clumsiest bureaucracy outside Albania.
Thank God neither of them ended up running Apple: personal computers would still look like the console of William Hartnell’s Tardis.
It’s hard to keep a straight face reading the letter from 100 academics ticking off the Beeb for referring to Dr David Starkey as a “historian”. Basically, it’s a Lefty whinge, arguing that Starkey is ill-suited to pontificate on matters of race. I did wonder if he was the author of this stunt, so comically flatulent is the prose, but it’s the real thing. That makes it even funnier. The signatories include PhD and MSc “candidates” who didn’t wait to graduate before directing their High Table pomposity at Starkey. Still, there’s no doubting the credentials of Paul Gilroy, “Anthony Giddens professor of social theory” at the LSE. Not a title I’d boast about this week, given Giddens’s brown-nosing of Gaddafi, but there you go.
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Strict Immigration Laws 'Save Denmark Billions',1518,759716,00.html
>Denmark's strict immigration laws have saved the country billions in benefits, a government report has claimed. The Integration Ministry report has now led to calls among right-wing populists to clamp down further on immigrants to increase the savings.
>The extremely strict laws have dramatically reduced the flow of people into Denmark in recent years, and many government figures are delighted with the outcome. "Now that we can see that it does matter who comes into the country, I have no scruples in further restricting those who one can suspect will be a burden on Denmark," the center-right liberal integration minister, Søren Pind, told the Jyllands Posten newspaper.
>Pind was talking after the ministry's report -- initiated by the right-wing populist Danish People's Party (DPP) -- came to the conclusion that by tightening immigration laws, Denmark has saved €6.7 billion ($10 billion) over the last 10 years, money which otherwise would supposedly have been spent on social benefits or housing. According to the figures, migrants from non-Western countries who did manage to come to Denmark have cost the state €2.3 billion, while those from the West have actually contributed €295 million to government coffers.
>The report has led to jubilation among right-wing politicians: "We now have it in black and white that restrictions (on immigrants) pay off," said DPP finance spokesman Kristian Thulesen Dahl. The DPP will almost certainly exploit the figures in future negotiations over the Danish economy.
>In November, the government agreed to stricter laws and made the entry of immigrants' spouses more difficult. Only those who collect enough "points" may come to Denmark in the future -- with points being determined by factors such as academic qualifications and proof of language proficiency. In addition, the equivalent of €13,000 must be deposited with the state in the form of a bank guarantee to cover any future public assistance. Socially deprived areas with a disproportionately high number of immigrants will be subject in future to a so-called "ghetto strategy" designed to prevent high concentrations of foreigners in public housing areas. Migrants will be assigned housing, and three-year-old children who do not speak Danish well enough will be required to attend state child care.
>Some immigrants have already turned their back on Denmark voluntarily. Increasing numbers of Somalis are moving away, especially to the UK, the Jyllands Posten reported on Thursday, because of discrimination.
>But the report has sparked outrage from opposition parties like the centrist Social Liberal Party, which dismissed it as undignified and discriminatory. The party's integration spokeswoman, Marianne Jelved, said: "A certain group of people is being denounced and being blamed for our deficit, being made into whipping boys." She added: "We cannot classify people depending on their value to the economy. That is degrading in a democracy that has a basic value of equality."
Immigration the international movement of labour to keep wages down - Direct product of global capitalism should not be thought of in economic terms, that would be degrading to judge immigrants as economic units, unless we are celebrating the contributions they make to our economy and the degrading jobs that they do.
Immigrants only come to Europe to exercise their human right to freedom of movement - to bar that is to infringe on their personal liberties (Which we are responsible for!). Nations like Britain are made up of immigrants from the 5th century no different to modern immigrants. To view Nations in a materialist way is not degrading to the nation as a nation is defined by the people who happen to inhabbit a particular state. [/sarcasm]
Sunday, 28 August 2011
Friday, 26 August 2011
Immigration has risen by more than 20 percent under the Conservatives
>Net immigration to the UK is up more than 20 per cent, causing problems for David Cameron who categorically promised that his Government would reduce it. During 2010, 239,000 more people entered the UK than left, compared with 198,000 in 2009. It was the second highest figure for net migration since records began in 1991.
>If Mr Cameron's promise to reduce net immigration to "tens of thousands" is to be met, there will either have to be a dramatic cut in the number of people entering the country, or the Government will have to hope that greater numbers leave. According to the Home Office, most of the people coming to the UK are not subject to immigration control, because 60 per cent are British, while another 28 per cent are from the EU or other parts of Europe.
>Last year saw an eight-fold increase in net migration from the eight former Communist states that were admitted to the EU in 2004, with 71,000 arriving and 31,000 leaving. The number of Poles in the UK has risen in seven years from 75,000 in 2003 to 532,000.
>Separate figures released by the ONS showed that a quarter of all babies born in the UK had mothers born outside the country, with Poland as their commonest country of origin, while most foreign-born fathers were from Pakistan.
>This suggests that if Mr Cameron's promise to reduce net immigration to "tens of thousands" is to be met, there will either have to be a dramatic cut in the number of people entering the country, or the Government will have to hope that greater numbers leave.
Don't fall for the old Con trick
Saturday, 20 August 2011
Friday, 19 August 2011
Thursday, 18 August 2011
Communists celebrate cable street aniversary. Integralists vow It will be among their last.
A contact mailed me a copy of this, half the fucking thing is in in arabic organised by the jewish labour Society. With the 75th anniversary of the battle of Cable street approaching (4th October 2011) the far left will be ramming their version of history down peoples throats. nice to see how they managed to get their way with the place:
Now Cable street is home to a thriving Bangladeshi community. So like in 36' agitators will have to be bussed in from across the country, or driven there in their mum's SUV.
A contact mailed me a copy of this, half the fucking thing is in in arabic organised by the jewish labour Society. With the 75th anniversary of the battle of Cable street approaching (4th October 2011) the far left will be ramming their version of history down peoples throats. nice to see how they managed to get their way with the place:
Now Cable street is home to a thriving Bangladeshi community. So like in 36' agitators will have to be bussed in from across the country, or driven there in their mum's SUV.
Rise of militant far right everywhere
>Following the massacre in Norway and amid concerns over contacts between the killer and supporters of the English Defence League, the Government is reviewing its policing of right-wing terrorism.This documentary examines far right extremism in the UK and reports from some areas with large Muslim populations where fears of 'Islamisation' are fuelling tensions between communities. We hear of the targeting of gay men in East London, as well as attacks on a mosque in Luton. Is there a disenfranchised minority who feel they have no political voice and are now looking to networks like the English Defence League? And are the EDL right to suggest that the threat of anti-Muslim terrorism in the UK could grow?
Tommy Robinson "You're going to make English suicide bombers"
Where far right parties fail the masses become more intollerant, Islam flexing it's muscles on Britain's streets also contributes to this. Penny has dropped - Britain is a multicultural ground zero. Liberal anti islam organisations are totally insincere and inconsistant abortions - the EDL will never be respectable, and for good reason. It is not about 'human rights' or liberal democracy or any of that - it is about losing our country.
Liberals mugged by reality = these right wing groups. their plan is to westernise the muslims into tolleration. Muslims it would seem, are just being muslims - and they have every right not to become entitled multiculturalist secular leftist scum, they are cleaning up their own areas, doing things their own way, imposing order, finding their own level of comfort because they NEED TO AND IT IS NATURAL FOR THEM. If the liberal view was correct then this wouldn't happen - their solution to remove the element that will not assimilate would mean the removal of 30-95% of the islamic population depending on the criteria, which is why they are supported.
Antifascist researchers (basement dwellers) such as Edmund Standing think that the rise of many far right groups and the risk of lone wolf violence is increasingly real.
FOM opens full Comrade Archives
For some time now the Friends of Oswald Mosley have made many issues of the post-post war journal 'comrade available on their website It can be viewed through a shockwave application on the website or downloaded to your computer. These were originally published in the wayning years of Jeffery Hamm's Union Movement and it runs from 1986 to 1995. It is of mostly historical interest revisiting the events of the movement with historical fact - making it quite invaluable to anyone researching the truth about the BUF during the war, biographies of important members, and other important events. Most Members of British Union survived the war and so it is endearing to see what happened to so many of the faces from the 1930's familliar to the historians among us. There is some good imagery and artwork used in the newsletter, as well as many photos which provide new insight into the BUF and Union Movement.
Click here for the archive
Click here for the archive
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
The Western Civilization Will Go Extinct
This is what femminism and other forms of cultural marxism have done. It can't go on forever though, the economics are unsustainable, they can't get enough immigrants in at replacement level and we are rapidly approaching economic collapse - then what happens to your model of decline.
It should be stated that the model of decline requires that people be corrupted to fill it's ranks. A town centre like Brighton is unsustainable without hordes of arty scene faggots decending on the town as a perminent base to go clubbing then it would all dry up and die. When the party is all over and the only people who have kids are all the white trash, and the few good people who settled down and managed to get a life, then we are going to have some stability.
Striking parallels between UK riots and France 2005 unrest
>In France, the tinder was lit at 5.20pm on 27 October 2005. Police were called to a building site in Clichy-sous-Bois, a depressed suburb east of Paris, to deal with a suspected burglary. Two innocent teens heading home after a game of football decided they did not want the hassle of being questioned by the cops, and hid in an electricity substation. Half an hour later, the lights at the nearby police station flickered: Zyed Benna, 17, and Bouna Traoré, 15, had been accidentally electrocuted in the transformer.
>The deaths triggered the biggest wave of civil unrest France had witnessed since 1968. That same night, 15 cars were torched in Clichy-sous-Bois, a classic French banlieue of rundown postwar high-rises that are home to 30,000 people, overwhelmingly second and third-generation immigrants whose parents arrived in France as cheap migrant labour from north Africa.
>By the time the violence finally waned nearly three weeks later, 9,000 cars had been set ablaze in 250 towns and cities from Paris to Marseille, Toulouse to Rennes, Bordeaux to Strasbourg. Schools, community centres, warehouses, police stations, nurseries and even a church had been ransacked. Around 2,900 people, half of them minors, had been arrested, 126 police and firemen injured, and two more people were dead.
>As in London, those who took part were, in the main, young people, from generally disadvantaged neighbourhoods, with high rates of educational failure and above-average unemployment. (who might those people be then? mabye it is these 'youths' we heard about)"There have also been very young rioters," Fize noted. "I remember in Paris six years ago, the children who were involved – as young as 10, but also many adolescents. It was the first time I'd seen that. Now London's seen it too."
Has it really taken this long to make this comparison? This is a map of France and here you have the city centre which is clean, policed and full of landmarks, including Versailles which was built outside the old city. You get to all this directly by a motorway that surrounds the city and cuts through the surrounding area. The area around Paris nobody ever sees, it is a megacity of new suburbs with absolutely no distinguishing landmarks - what we would recognise as an inner city. it is otherwise a world unto itself - an absolute hell on earth totally cut off from everything else.
Over the past thirty years there has been a huge attempt on part of the financial elite to do something similar here in response to the collapse of British manufacturing industry. This means 'regenerating' the city centres for the winners of the new global capitalism. What were once industrial heartlands and imperial cities have been converted into scene type zones for single bourgeois types. Derelict factories and warehouses have been converted into million pound flats and art galleries. the losers get forced out of the area into new council accommodation that sprung up outside the city.
For those who couldn't cut it, generations on welfare, immigrants, the criminal under classes - the lumpen proletariat, they have been zoned off. Large areas like the suburbs of Paris are not policed and the state has no presence. This is why when authorities attempted to enter these areas in a half hearted way the 'community' (as the media calls it) suddenly became aware of themselves as the attack on them unfolded they realised in instance jst how powerful they were. The truth is that what went on last week is the state of affairs all year - the state simply does not control large sections of urban wasteland and that is the truth of it.
Every town has its 'estates' of untouchables, and for the rest of us who are living adjacent to them, it is time to sink or swim as we don't stand a chance unless we learn nationalism to fight back against the parasite. Nationalism is the only real basis for social organisation that has ever existed, the underclass might have their tribe, but it is based on mutual benefit not sacrifice, they all parasite off each other - the British people on the other hand have the ability to surmount any obstacle, we built this country and it would only take the dedicated few to smash the enemy with the mailed fist. Smart, organised, armed - we would go into the areas the state dare not and clear the mess ourselves. Things are not going to get better, with birth-rates and economic meltdown the ghettos multiply over night, the occupied territories more and more clearly defined. If only there was a way to direct the mobs of youths to the up market town centre - that might change the perceptions of some of these liberal trash when their local Costa and alternative clothing store goes up in flames.
Sebastian Ernst Ronin: The spiritual and cultural detritus of any human population (in political terms commonly referred to as the Lumpenproletariat) cannot be and will not be the political voice of that population. It can brutishly follow; it is incapable of leading. This is the most simple and common knowledge for all political players except, of course, for the dangerously deluded and suicidally retarded who would claim to speak on behalf of the Lumpenprole demographic.
>In France, the tinder was lit at 5.20pm on 27 October 2005. Police were called to a building site in Clichy-sous-Bois, a depressed suburb east of Paris, to deal with a suspected burglary. Two innocent teens heading home after a game of football decided they did not want the hassle of being questioned by the cops, and hid in an electricity substation. Half an hour later, the lights at the nearby police station flickered: Zyed Benna, 17, and Bouna Traoré, 15, had been accidentally electrocuted in the transformer.
>The deaths triggered the biggest wave of civil unrest France had witnessed since 1968. That same night, 15 cars were torched in Clichy-sous-Bois, a classic French banlieue of rundown postwar high-rises that are home to 30,000 people, overwhelmingly second and third-generation immigrants whose parents arrived in France as cheap migrant labour from north Africa.
>By the time the violence finally waned nearly three weeks later, 9,000 cars had been set ablaze in 250 towns and cities from Paris to Marseille, Toulouse to Rennes, Bordeaux to Strasbourg. Schools, community centres, warehouses, police stations, nurseries and even a church had been ransacked. Around 2,900 people, half of them minors, had been arrested, 126 police and firemen injured, and two more people were dead.
>As in London, those who took part were, in the main, young people, from generally disadvantaged neighbourhoods, with high rates of educational failure and above-average unemployment. (who might those people be then? mabye it is these 'youths' we heard about)"There have also been very young rioters," Fize noted. "I remember in Paris six years ago, the children who were involved – as young as 10, but also many adolescents. It was the first time I'd seen that. Now London's seen it too."
Has it really taken this long to make this comparison? This is a map of France and here you have the city centre which is clean, policed and full of landmarks, including Versailles which was built outside the old city. You get to all this directly by a motorway that surrounds the city and cuts through the surrounding area. The area around Paris nobody ever sees, it is a megacity of new suburbs with absolutely no distinguishing landmarks - what we would recognise as an inner city. it is otherwise a world unto itself - an absolute hell on earth totally cut off from everything else.
Over the past thirty years there has been a huge attempt on part of the financial elite to do something similar here in response to the collapse of British manufacturing industry. This means 'regenerating' the city centres for the winners of the new global capitalism. What were once industrial heartlands and imperial cities have been converted into scene type zones for single bourgeois types. Derelict factories and warehouses have been converted into million pound flats and art galleries. the losers get forced out of the area into new council accommodation that sprung up outside the city.
For those who couldn't cut it, generations on welfare, immigrants, the criminal under classes - the lumpen proletariat, they have been zoned off. Large areas like the suburbs of Paris are not policed and the state has no presence. This is why when authorities attempted to enter these areas in a half hearted way the 'community' (as the media calls it) suddenly became aware of themselves as the attack on them unfolded they realised in instance jst how powerful they were. The truth is that what went on last week is the state of affairs all year - the state simply does not control large sections of urban wasteland and that is the truth of it.
Every town has its 'estates' of untouchables, and for the rest of us who are living adjacent to them, it is time to sink or swim as we don't stand a chance unless we learn nationalism to fight back against the parasite. Nationalism is the only real basis for social organisation that has ever existed, the underclass might have their tribe, but it is based on mutual benefit not sacrifice, they all parasite off each other - the British people on the other hand have the ability to surmount any obstacle, we built this country and it would only take the dedicated few to smash the enemy with the mailed fist. Smart, organised, armed - we would go into the areas the state dare not and clear the mess ourselves. Things are not going to get better, with birth-rates and economic meltdown the ghettos multiply over night, the occupied territories more and more clearly defined. If only there was a way to direct the mobs of youths to the up market town centre - that might change the perceptions of some of these liberal trash when their local Costa and alternative clothing store goes up in flames.
Sebastian Ernst Ronin: The spiritual and cultural detritus of any human population (in political terms commonly referred to as the Lumpenproletariat) cannot be and will not be the political voice of that population. It can brutishly follow; it is incapable of leading. This is the most simple and common knowledge for all political players except, of course, for the dangerously deluded and suicidally retarded who would claim to speak on behalf of the Lumpenprole demographic.
Sunday, 14 August 2011
I visit London for one reason, family live there.
South London holds no roots for me, apart from the above there is rarely any other reason for me to charter a visit. I travel to Lambeth most weekends to see friends and family, they chose to move for of the job opportunities, I despise the place. The streets of the boroughs desolate and thick with tension, occasional stand offs and the general sense of menace, the atmosphere permeated by constant street lighting, an orange glow of ghost estates and dead stations at midnight, you can practically hear loss. Within this city two prominent demographics; youths and commuters both convenience each others existence by ignoring the other. The youths stab each other whilst the rest of us pick our way around the police tape.
There is a certain breed of worker in the city today, white middleclass imports have essentially invaded areas such as Lambeth where they find that the they live an odd parallel to the social underclass around them. Aware they do not belong amongst their environment they have cultivated a dangerous perception on urban life, amongst their social circles it is now politically correct to expect to become a victim of criminalty… thus making the whole thing acceptable, absolutely fine and to be tolerated. In fact this tolerant abandon is positively encouraged by the authorities, with Met Police posters in tube stations and on billboards telling commuters not to dare use their mobile phones in the street or display any kind of posession in public... an entirely new attitude towards criminality has been forged within the last decade... it is no longer their fault for robbing you but your fault for not expecting it.
One evening I went to a pub with a friend's work mates, curious by their experiences of street attacks in the area and with the intent of reassuring my friend that her own fears were without basis I steered the conversation towards crime. Instead I listened incredulously as they tried to persuade her to accept she will be robbed not only violently but soon!
“I got mugged again last week” said some guy
“It was only a simple beating” he added to approving nods from his fellow workers.
“Its best to just give them everything then have a good cry” added another as he nursed his shiraz
We left immediately.
What pray tell is the purpose of these people? Just what are they doing alive and breathing? And also apparently how?
If I was so inclined I could have merrily strolled up to either of these men slapped them in the face with whatever appendage I chose and proceeded in the brutal violation of their mothers, with not a squeak of protest… Why?
An inherent cowardice is breeding rapidly amongst these classes. These consumptive fools sit amongst the ruins of a capital the hub of what was once an empire, casually squandering their amassed wealth quaffing wine and cocaine…
Do they not see the emergency?
The privileged positions they hold mean they have the real capacity to change their situations and those of their peers yet they engage in the vilest form of apathy.
They eagerly accept their fate, they sell themselves to oblivion without a hint of resistance.
How weak, lowly and pathetic.
And there are thousands of them, paving the way for their own self annihilation.
They stand as guilty as the Rapers and the Murderers of this city. With their passive attitudes they accept this urban disease allowing it to infect not just their community, friends or family but themselves. The last shred of character, self-preservation is prevalent in even the most intrinsically worthless individual and even that amongst these fools lay annihilated.
England sees her barren elite and weeps. When the cancer is this far developed its clear heads are going to have to roll. It won’t be us doing the dirty work.
London is a monster,
In the boroughs the local rags falsely laud a sense of community, if it exists it beats like a dying pulse. Lack of spiritual purpose and destiny burdens our youth, they want discipline and direction and they want an enemy to rail against. This young generation maybe purveyors of apathy but in a rush to claim respect on the streets they are indifferent to tolerance and they are eating the old order alive, but without a true foe to focus their anger on their actions have turned cannibalistic, British brothers turn on British brothers.
To an Integralist the solution is simple, give our youth a real enemy, give them a true community to defend, then watch them grow. What rage and power lies unharnessed!
Urban decay will end when there is nothing left to rot, the alternative? You can ride the tiger or you can join us…
>RIOT yobs should be packed off to the Army to prevent more terror on the streets, say an overwhelming majority of Britons.
>They want National Service brought back to save a "lost generation" of teenage thugs from a life of urban violence.
An exclusive poll for the Sunday Express today gives the Government a clear mandate on the way forward.After four days and nights of savage rioting in which five people were murdered, hundreds burnt out of their homes and thousands of businesses ruined, the country says a tough Army regime is called for. The demand comes as police expect to bring 4,000 children, youths and young men and women before the courts in the coming weeks and months.
Look this is all very well if this was the 1950's. In many ways a typical Integralist solution; you fix a broken person by getting them to group identify; giving them a sense of responsibility, teamwork, discipline, - basically meaning in life. However, what about people who can never be integrated, who can never identify with us they are that flawed. the problem isn't criminality it is social decay - and even the armed forces cannot be expected to cure that until they are freed up to deal with the root cause.
Right wing politicians give lots of mixed messages. They want to return to some of the sanity of past times, they want social responsibility, duty, devotion, patriotism - at the same time they will not give the rewards of these virtues - which can only exist in a national state! Patriotism without a country, social responsibility without a society. It isn't going to happen.
Saturday, 13 August 2011
The WRATH of 'Call me Dave'
>At Camberwell Green magistrates, Nicholas Robinson, 23, an electrical engineering student with no previous convictions, was jailed for the maximum permitted six months after pleading guilty to stealing bottles of water worth £3.50 from Lidl in Brixton. He had been walking back from his girlfriend's house in the early hours of Monday morning when he saw the store being looted, his lawyer said, and had taken the opportunity to go in and help himself to a case of water because he was thirsty. He was caught up in the moment, and was ashamed of his actions, his defence said.
= 6 months living at the expense of the Tax payer. Uni down the tubes, career down the Tubes, a lifetime on benefits.
Now you know what the tough talk is all about; the response of the establishment is to be even more abitrary. The flaws of Political correctness in the police force, social policy and immigration were just blown open for all the world to see. The response of the political class: to ignore the problem even more and make the rest of us pay with decreased trust, rights and standards so as not to give the impression anyone is being discriminated against.
>At Camberwell Green magistrates, Nicholas Robinson, 23, an electrical engineering student with no previous convictions, was jailed for the maximum permitted six months after pleading guilty to stealing bottles of water worth £3.50 from Lidl in Brixton. He had been walking back from his girlfriend's house in the early hours of Monday morning when he saw the store being looted, his lawyer said, and had taken the opportunity to go in and help himself to a case of water because he was thirsty. He was caught up in the moment, and was ashamed of his actions, his defence said.
= 6 months living at the expense of the Tax payer. Uni down the tubes, career down the Tubes, a lifetime on benefits.
Now you know what the tough talk is all about; the response of the establishment is to be even more abitrary. The flaws of Political correctness in the police force, social policy and immigration were just blown open for all the world to see. The response of the political class: to ignore the problem even more and make the rest of us pay with decreased trust, rights and standards so as not to give the impression anyone is being discriminated against.
David Starkey 'The whites have become black'
David Starkey you legend
Clearly the prospect that a tv historian might have said something racist is worse to these liberal scum than the fact that half of the country was set on fire which was totally excusable due to the recession, politics and police rasisism
Friday, 12 August 2011
They will be made to be VERY sorry about what they did
>David Cameron may have sounded tough this week. But the Prime Minister is sorely mistaken if he really thinks the rioters will be punished and made to pay for what they've done.
>Even those who are imprisoned will spend their days watching TV and playing video games. A colleague working in a youth detention centre recently told me he is no longer allowed to call their rooms 'cells' because it infringed their human rights. And these were offenders who'd done very bad things, including sexual assault and extreme violence.
>What they'll actually do is spend the majority of their 'sentence' escorted by youth workers — whose wages are paid by the state — to gyms, adventure centres and even DJ-ing courses. Already this week, we've read about a group of offenders like this who were taken on a day trip to Alton Towers. ISSPs are also supposed to involve community service, but often there is none at all. I know people in the Manchester Youth Offending Team who were reduced to driving offenders around for hours to fill up the time, because no community work had been arranged.
>Instead, the programme usually amounts to no more than enforced leisure: football and tennis on Monday, boxing and squash on Tuesday.One day, we took ten offenders to an indoor rock climbing centre. Each of them had a conviction for burglary — in effect, we were just improving their breaking and entering skills. On another occasion, we drove a group to a youth club with a music studio. There they spent the morning listening to hip-hop, posing as gangsta rappers. When they got bored, they amused themselves by playing pool or being rude to the staff.
>At lunchtime, the offenders gave individual orders for takeaways from a chip shop. Once the food arrived — delivered by a member of staff as though he were their butler — they fell on it like ravenous wolves, without the slightest restraint or manners, screeching foul abuse if their order was wrong. They then spent the afternoon on PlayStations or playing on Nintendo Wii games consoles. Occasionally, these activities will be broken up by classroom exercises in a youth centre, pointless sessions where offenders' 'needs' are assessed — where they are viewed as children, as opposed to people who have done something very wrong.
>'How are you feeling?' they're asked. 'Are you feeling better?' Who cares how they feel? The offenders I saw had broken into old ladies' houses. What about the feelings of the decent, predominantly working-class victims of this new criminal underclass? The victims of the looters and arsonists this week, for example, who may have seen their livelihoods or homes destroyed. Sometimes the offenders will hijack the classroom exercises themselves. In a recent session on homophobia, several members of the class were causing disruption. Eventually, the frustrated youth worker asked the ringleader to come up to the front and take over the class. With relish, the chief culprit launched into an offensive comic routine about different types of homosexual. Afterwards, the youth worker boasted to me that the lesson had been a great success because the class was 'engaged', despite surrendering her authority.
>I have escorted a 16-year-old, unemployed, criminal teenager by taxi from his home to the benefits office so he could sign on for the dole, even though he lived only ten minutes away by foot. He was from a large Albanian family of Romany gypsies who had come to Britain seeking asylum, but each had ended up involved in criminal activities, including violent muggings and burglary.
>In the words of the youth worker: 'We need to work with him to remove the underlying causes of his criminal behaviour', by ensuring he received 'all the benefits that are entitled to him, his partner and future baby.' (He had got his Bulgarian girlfriend pregnant.) My colleague's worry was that, if this support, including the taxi service, were not provided, the Albanian would slide back into a life of crime; even though she knew, from his expensive clothes, that he earned so much from crime he didn't even need those benefits.
>Some of this week's rioters, having been processed by the courts, will end up doing 'poster work', where they will draw and colour in examples of criminal behaviour — just in case they're not aware that torching local businesses and throwing masonry at the police, fire brigade and passers-by are criminal acts.One recent offender made a mockery of the programme by producing large drawings of cannabis joints. He received no punishment.
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Britain is a riot
Usually I am not a big fan of Pat, which is why it is interesting to hear this language come from someone who usually comes from a soft humanist viewpoint. Nobody but the most retarded leftists disagrees with the iredeemably subhuman nature of Britain's underclass.
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
They don't even know what will hit 'em
>Calls to ban far-right German party pose propaganda risk
>The SPD is calling for a ban which is also supported by several ministers from the union of conservative Christian Democrats and Christian Socialists (CDU/CSU). But there are other union ministers who say that we shouldn't implement a ban because it would be too dangerous.
>They say we can't pull the undercover agents out of the NPD. But undercover agents are not secret service employees who have been smuggled into the NPD. They are neo-Nazis who sell information to the state and most of it is of questionable value anyway. The undercover agents allowed the 2003 ban attempt to fail at the constitutional court and there is a good chance that a new attempt to ban the party would fail for the same reason as it does not look like most states have removed their undercover agents. The situation has not changed. The union doesn't want to stop working with the under cover agents because they say that the NPD is too dangerous and that under no circumstances should we pull the agents out. Conversely, this means that the NPD is protected from being banned by its own radicalism. It's an absurd situation.
Indeed it is considering:
>the NPD has been in a serious crisis for a while now. The party experienced a series of electoral defeats.
>Clearly the NPD is not about to come to power here in Germany and attempts to make that case are complete nonsense
>the NPD is politically meaningless. The danger posed by the NPD is their aggressive propaganda
Liberals are morons to think that we are like them. Liberals think everything is politics, after all if the political elites were killed in a freak accident and the army took over, that would put a complete end to liberal democracy as we know it because there is nothing like it in actual society. On this basis they believe it is the same with us - they believe that all the badness in society comes from hateful and extremist political parties who are the reason for people rejecting liberalism. Political parties are in reality relativly unimportant, in fact we would benifit greatly from clearing out our own failed, useless, and ideologically incorrect political groups for something a little more down to earth. The article continues;
>What specifically can politicians do?
>NPD poster in Saxony-AnhaltThe NPD has seats in two German state parliamentsPoliticians should immediately stop engaging in such discussions. It is very important to NPD to be taken seriously in the public eye and being in the national media is free advertising. Politicians should focus their efforts on strengthening pro-democracy, anti-right wing extremist programs, instead of weakening them, which is currently the case.
>One must deal with the problem and the phenomenon. By that I mean that we shouldn't be talking about the NPD straight after the attacks in Norway because Anders Breivik is not a classic neo-Nazi, but is characterized by right-wing populism. This is clear in his manifesto. If you suddenly point to the NPD, it is simplifying the problem too much. Almost everyone is against the NPD, but right-wing populist ideology is engrained much deeper in society than sympathy for the NDP. This is the reason we should be talking about right-wing populism and not an NPD ban.
>Patrick Gensing is the author of "The attack from the right. Neo-Nazi strategies and what can be done to combat them."
It is already too late for you Patrick,,15301045,00.html
>The SPD is calling for a ban which is also supported by several ministers from the union of conservative Christian Democrats and Christian Socialists (CDU/CSU). But there are other union ministers who say that we shouldn't implement a ban because it would be too dangerous.
>They say we can't pull the undercover agents out of the NPD. But undercover agents are not secret service employees who have been smuggled into the NPD. They are neo-Nazis who sell information to the state and most of it is of questionable value anyway. The undercover agents allowed the 2003 ban attempt to fail at the constitutional court and there is a good chance that a new attempt to ban the party would fail for the same reason as it does not look like most states have removed their undercover agents. The situation has not changed. The union doesn't want to stop working with the under cover agents because they say that the NPD is too dangerous and that under no circumstances should we pull the agents out. Conversely, this means that the NPD is protected from being banned by its own radicalism. It's an absurd situation.
Indeed it is considering:
>the NPD has been in a serious crisis for a while now. The party experienced a series of electoral defeats.
>Clearly the NPD is not about to come to power here in Germany and attempts to make that case are complete nonsense
>the NPD is politically meaningless. The danger posed by the NPD is their aggressive propaganda
Liberals are morons to think that we are like them. Liberals think everything is politics, after all if the political elites were killed in a freak accident and the army took over, that would put a complete end to liberal democracy as we know it because there is nothing like it in actual society. On this basis they believe it is the same with us - they believe that all the badness in society comes from hateful and extremist political parties who are the reason for people rejecting liberalism. Political parties are in reality relativly unimportant, in fact we would benifit greatly from clearing out our own failed, useless, and ideologically incorrect political groups for something a little more down to earth. The article continues;
>What specifically can politicians do?
>NPD poster in Saxony-AnhaltThe NPD has seats in two German state parliamentsPoliticians should immediately stop engaging in such discussions. It is very important to NPD to be taken seriously in the public eye and being in the national media is free advertising. Politicians should focus their efforts on strengthening pro-democracy, anti-right wing extremist programs, instead of weakening them, which is currently the case.
>One must deal with the problem and the phenomenon. By that I mean that we shouldn't be talking about the NPD straight after the attacks in Norway because Anders Breivik is not a classic neo-Nazi, but is characterized by right-wing populism. This is clear in his manifesto. If you suddenly point to the NPD, it is simplifying the problem too much. Almost everyone is against the NPD, but right-wing populist ideology is engrained much deeper in society than sympathy for the NDP. This is the reason we should be talking about right-wing populism and not an NPD ban.
>Patrick Gensing is the author of "The attack from the right. Neo-Nazi strategies and what can be done to combat them."
It is already too late for you Patrick,,15301045,00.html
Jim dowson from Griffinwatch on the BNP response to riots
> “We need a strong BNP” I hear some naive folks say... really? The party’s only response this week was to send out a begging text ‘LONDON BURNING ...DONATE £3, DONATE, DONATE, DONATE!’
While British citizens fleeing from burning buildings and our major cities are engulfed in lawlessness the so-called big boys of nationalism can only offer our beleaguered people the opportunity to donate £3 to their leaky coffers !
What an utter disgrace and shameful stunt that should now convince even the most loyal of what the real motivation of the party leaders is these days.
>Are we to continue to fool ourselves by thinking that by ‘Nationalists’ gaining a council seat or two or even a seat in the EU, our wives and daughters will be safe?
Tell that to the hundreds who were burnt from their homes last night. Friends, WE MUST FACE FACTS! Unless we have a root and branch change in our NATIONALIST mindset and attitude to the defence of this country and our loved ones, then I am afraid our grandchildren will curse our very memory as those who could have acted to save them from the horrors they will be suffering but chose to do little or nothing. Do you wish future generations to be ashamed of you? I do not and will not allow the charge of inaction or cowardice ever to be laid at my feet. This is my greatest fear.
>Young Englishmen need to look in the mirror and examine their consciences. In years to come, when God willing, your surviving grandson climbs up on your knee and looks deeply into your failing eyes and asks : “Granddad, what did you do in the war?” will you be able to answer the lad without shame or regret, will you?
People often ask me ‘what motivates you Jim’, well now you know. If I can look into my little grandson’s eyes and say honestly “I never gave an inch of this country’s sacred soil, I fought for every blade of grass and hill” then I will be content to meet my maker with a sound conscience and glad heart.
While British citizens fleeing from burning buildings and our major cities are engulfed in lawlessness the so-called big boys of nationalism can only offer our beleaguered people the opportunity to donate £3 to their leaky coffers !
What an utter disgrace and shameful stunt that should now convince even the most loyal of what the real motivation of the party leaders is these days.
>Are we to continue to fool ourselves by thinking that by ‘Nationalists’ gaining a council seat or two or even a seat in the EU, our wives and daughters will be safe?
Tell that to the hundreds who were burnt from their homes last night. Friends, WE MUST FACE FACTS! Unless we have a root and branch change in our NATIONALIST mindset and attitude to the defence of this country and our loved ones, then I am afraid our grandchildren will curse our very memory as those who could have acted to save them from the horrors they will be suffering but chose to do little or nothing. Do you wish future generations to be ashamed of you? I do not and will not allow the charge of inaction or cowardice ever to be laid at my feet. This is my greatest fear.
>Young Englishmen need to look in the mirror and examine their consciences. In years to come, when God willing, your surviving grandson climbs up on your knee and looks deeply into your failing eyes and asks : “Granddad, what did you do in the war?” will you be able to answer the lad without shame or regret, will you?
People often ask me ‘what motivates you Jim’, well now you know. If I can look into my little grandson’s eyes and say honestly “I never gave an inch of this country’s sacred soil, I fought for every blade of grass and hill” then I will be content to meet my maker with a sound conscience and glad heart.
EDL confirmed for freikorps! what comes next..
Doubtless the various organisations will claim credit for this but the reality is that anger over the rioting prevailed over the abilities of political parties to organise people.
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
British far-right aims to quell riots
> The leader of a British far-right group says its members are taking to the streets of British cities in an attempt to quell riots that have spread across the country for four nights.
> Stephen Lennon, leader of the English Defense League, told The Associated Press that up to 1,000 members planned to turn out in Luton, where the group is based, and others areas that have suffered unrest, including the northwestern city of Manchester.
> Lennon said some members had were already carrying out patrols trying to deter rioters, and that hundreds more would join them Wednesday.
> "We're going to stop the riots — police obviously can't handle it," Lennon told the AP.
Left media coverage of the 2011 Riot
Already, in face of such public anger over the soft approach the Left wing dissenting voice demonstrates its infinite capacity to enrage everyone with its ludicrous demands and totally warped perspective. You would think, this being their mess, they would just shut up and let this pass, but no.
To date what many hold up to be the most 'intelligent' piece on the conflict
Here you have Liberal and Left wing people who say they always stand up for the so called 'victims' in society - an amorphous concept of inequality, yet what objection have any of them raised to the thousands of very real victims who have fallen prey to these scum? People who have lost their homes and businesses, been mugged, attacked, and injured. If you will victims of the Liberals whose social and immigration policies have inflicted this suffering on them. If you cared about the victims in society then you would untie the forces to go and save all these people whose lives are being ruined, to intervene and to gun down all of these scum that get in the way and attack our boys.
It is the express job of the left to defend the utterly indefensible. These people don't have any place in society; they don't work, they don't integrate, not because they can't but because they don't want to - they are a totally lost cause. It’s like a mother who gives birth to a wretched diseased retard baby, and demands the impossible - that every feat be made to make that creature equal to other humans through high tech sciences given to it by the community - and with the inevitable shortfall, enforce laws that everyone pretend it is a normal child.
This is the same, except we are expected to believe that the problem is one of material inequality. Hello geniuses - if the only thing stopping these social parasists from physically destroying our people is a wide screen TV, there was never a bond to begin with. 1930's there was perhaps the greatest destitution seen in the 20th century here in Britain. Millions of feral children running around without shoes, 30% unemployment, virtually no social security or programmes, starvation followed by rationing - yet What did they do? they stuck together through a world war accepting more privation, they committed virtually no crime or violence of any kind unless it was for a political cause. Even for a spectacle like Cable Street the red agitators had to bus in half of their demonstrators from the other end of Britain
We brought most of these rioters in from third world countries where, without historical intervention they would form the starving masses of the black continent - but we took them whole heartedly into our island nation, gave them everything, allowed them to keep their culture, gave them a life, so where is the gratitude? Totally stomped out by the sense of entitlement perpetuated by the media on its people. Selfish calculated materialism designed to destroy this nation.
left wing media Perpetuates the problem on so many levels. Most of all it is insulting to us when we see it, because we feel like it is us who are so blatantly under attack. Well don't worry, we'll stick together from now on, and leave all these unfortunate leftists to their 'pets'.
To date what many hold up to be the most 'intelligent' piece on the conflict
Here you have Liberal and Left wing people who say they always stand up for the so called 'victims' in society - an amorphous concept of inequality, yet what objection have any of them raised to the thousands of very real victims who have fallen prey to these scum? People who have lost their homes and businesses, been mugged, attacked, and injured. If you will victims of the Liberals whose social and immigration policies have inflicted this suffering on them. If you cared about the victims in society then you would untie the forces to go and save all these people whose lives are being ruined, to intervene and to gun down all of these scum that get in the way and attack our boys.
It is the express job of the left to defend the utterly indefensible. These people don't have any place in society; they don't work, they don't integrate, not because they can't but because they don't want to - they are a totally lost cause. It’s like a mother who gives birth to a wretched diseased retard baby, and demands the impossible - that every feat be made to make that creature equal to other humans through high tech sciences given to it by the community - and with the inevitable shortfall, enforce laws that everyone pretend it is a normal child.
This is the same, except we are expected to believe that the problem is one of material inequality. Hello geniuses - if the only thing stopping these social parasists from physically destroying our people is a wide screen TV, there was never a bond to begin with. 1930's there was perhaps the greatest destitution seen in the 20th century here in Britain. Millions of feral children running around without shoes, 30% unemployment, virtually no social security or programmes, starvation followed by rationing - yet What did they do? they stuck together through a world war accepting more privation, they committed virtually no crime or violence of any kind unless it was for a political cause. Even for a spectacle like Cable Street the red agitators had to bus in half of their demonstrators from the other end of Britain
We brought most of these rioters in from third world countries where, without historical intervention they would form the starving masses of the black continent - but we took them whole heartedly into our island nation, gave them everything, allowed them to keep their culture, gave them a life, so where is the gratitude? Totally stomped out by the sense of entitlement perpetuated by the media on its people. Selfish calculated materialism designed to destroy this nation.
left wing media Perpetuates the problem on so many levels. Most of all it is insulting to us when we see it, because we feel like it is us who are so blatantly under attack. Well don't worry, we'll stick together from now on, and leave all these unfortunate leftists to their 'pets'.
'London needs army to crush thugs - call back Afghan troops'
Gerard Batten confirmed for Integralist Undercover Lover.
Writer and broadcaster Darcus Howe explains the rioting
you heard if first here folks! "an insurrection of the masses of the people, it is happening in syria, it is happening in - ah - Clapham, its happening in Liverpool" OH MY GOD WHERE ARE THE HUMANITARIAN AIRSTRIKES?
NATO calls upon the Queen to order the immediate cessation of violence against peaceful protestors, to recognise their legitimate aspirations (to a new pair of trainers and a wide-screen TV), to withdraw her viagra-fueled thugs (commonly known as the Metropolitan Police) from urban centres (and preferably to hold a target sign over their heads once they get to an open space) and to hand over power to the Rebel Interim Rudeboy National Council led by Leeroy and his crew.
Jovan Isakovic
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