Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Crime of the century
it happened people, racism has occurred. This thing has gone pretty much viral and left our nation in shock, we simply were not prepared.
This is literally the worst thing any individual can do, it is an act so evil that it occurs in a vacuum! A rapist or a murderer, or a paedophile not only has more rights than they deserve but their crimes are committed in a very complex sociological network. As a humanities and sociology student it was explained to me that even the most individual of human decisions are determined by an outlaying set of causal factors based on society's failings. Most forms of petty crime are you see, are directly correlated with relative deprivation which the individual becomes conscious of and revolt against. low life ghetto thugs understand concepts of class and universal processes of dialectical materialism - so their turning to crime is really the product of neglect and discrimination. Humanitarianists look with disgust at proponents of the death penalty and feel they take the moral high ground against barbaric treatments.
In this case though everyone has been thrown into temporary collective insanity The Daily Mail claims to be shocked and disgusted. Yes she should have been detained - for shouting and babbling on public transportation, but that will not be what she is charged for. In addition to the public lynching she will experience over the next few months, under the incitement to racial hatred act and god knows what else this woman will;
- Lose her job
- Go to prison
- Lose her child
If she is found guilty.
'Hate' - that word again, what does it mean? This goes against everything I was taught under the logic of Marxism; that Prejudice and bigotry is unnatural - after all if intolerance is the product of capitalism as a means to divide the working class is this woman not just as much a victim as the asylum seeker who steals to feed himself. What happened to what we were always taught 'you were not there' 'did you know their home life' 'what racism have they experienced' - The first defence is always that we cannot judge an event when it was not captured from the start. What happened to all these arguments? What do you think this woman felt; anger, sadness, desperation - are we to say that these were entirely irrational - she simply broke out in a rash of bigotry or could it be that something caused that?
See this comment and tell me if a part of you feels hate?
This is England being told.
Whatever you thought of this incident, if you are British and you felt something, then you are no better in the eyes of the powers that be than that woman. perhaps you now understand the great task they face - this is just a side effect of repression, one woman exploding. In the next decade we are going to see hundreds of these clips, there are already many like them; old people being taunted by a gang of youths with mobile phones, people like the woman on public transport with everyone around her speaking a foreign language. Every one of these I regard as a victory, because in my eyes it lays the blame squarely at the feet of those who were responsible. This is the sound of the multicult crashing down; it is going to start with things like this, and move up and up, and get worse! For once, I say that it should be the people in power who are made to answer for the mess they have created on the day of the rope.
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Commoner Kate Attends Remembrance Ceremony
Relating article: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2060993/Regal-Duchess-Cambridge-attends-Remembrance-Sunday-ceremony-member-monarchy.html?ito=feeds-newsxml
The Daily Mail today took it upon themselves to publish an article detailing the garments worn by the Duchess of Cambridge at the Remembrance Day ceremony.
I've never identified closely to the Royal family. For a long time I never took much more than a passing interest in the affairs of the Royals - and I find that many others share the same disinterest. The Royalists of our time tend to be female, and either high society socialites or nouveau riche wannabes. But this article immediately drew my attention and for no good reason.
We've long been aware of how the cult of celebrity that now reigns supreme over popular cultural life - the media has replaced heroic idols with reality TV personalities, like our friends off Big Brother - the host of the Weakest Link(if she is still around) - or the bloke that does the weather forecast. People through a process of conditioning and the resulting total saturation in a fairytale, liberal utopian world; filled with STDs, aborted foetuses and paedophiles aplenty. What I had never noticed before is how deeply ingrained, that staunch bastion of traditional British virtue and manner, the Royal Family, has been in the whole charade propagated by the media outlets. They've been totally amalgamated into the whole showbiz, gossip column, bull-shit parade. The article is a stereotypical piece, the exemplification of the shit the press wheels out every day - "But there was plenty of room to make a fashion statement" - I mean, really, what the hell goes through a Woman's mind when you write that and why aren't the Royals kicking a shit-storm up about it? I know if someone wrote an article on what I was wearing at a sombre event like Armistice Sunday I would kick-off.
I know little, why people get such a buzz off reading about what frock Kate is wearing and what hat Camilla is wearing - why tabloids and broadsheets alike spend fuck loads on journalist parasites to spy on the movement of these pampered princesses' that have never done an honest days labour and never accomplished anything worthwhile. Indeed my greatest criticism of the monarchy and the rest of the aristocracy is that they serve no purpose other than to serve as trimmings at any major national occasion - Remembrance Day for instance.
I would have a more sympathetic view towards those who follow the monarchy - who seem to resemble toffs clinging forlornly to the last vestige of Britain's Imperial past - and the monarchy itself, if it at least embodied the values the values and virtues that made this country great: courage, honour, loyalty. The Royals show none of these; courage, they lacked when refusing to face up to the career politicians in Westminster began selling us out to the European Union and giving away our countries Common Wealth to the big-business monopolies. They lacked honour when Charles married Camila and turned the other cheek when our forces were sent into the third-world hell holes of Iraq and Afghanistan. They lacked loyalty to one another when they succumb to playing the media game. To cap it all of they've shown not just a deficit in the virtues necessary to rule and a failure to acknowledge age-old duty but they also seem to think themselves entitled to privilege and respect; riches and luxury - whilst contributing nothing to the national good, other than, more column inches in the tabloid press.
Get In There SON! |
There are many patriots out there who feel the Royal family to be nothing short of sacrosanct; this is a negative notion, and would be potentially harmful if that mindset was implemented when in power. When the monarchy as it stands has been debased by the media and lost the respect and inviolable position it once commanded. When we take power the Royal family will be given an ultimatum: either get your act together - restore your sense of honour, dignity and duty; restore the respect of the masses; restore respect for the ancient institutions. Otherwise, expect radical change in the constitutional framework of the UK - with the current Royal family replaced and regal status of the monarchy resumed by the introduction of new blood, as part of the renaissance of the British Nation.
Remember - this is a just soverign ruler - this the soverign ruler of yesteryear.
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
This article proves you are all racist
And just before remembrance day - we can all sympathise with this on some level, maybe you remember youth and your single whitetrash debt ridden mother crying over spilt milk and electricity bills - and how helpless you feel to do anything about it. The timing is something, really it is why this can qualify as an article in today's media - the numbers of ex serviceman who have gone street could not be covered individually in this way as it would expose what is actually a national problem. A paper like the Mail is in a difficult position; it's readers want people like this to be properly cared for, but with out current government could not enact any form of welfare policy without that policy primarily being abused by the most unwanted and parasitical sections of society (like any other welfare policy) - therefore it cannot be mentioned because it would face people with the obvious solution of accepting discrimination or accepting this shit. They cannot do this, god knows they tried that shit in the 1930's and they know never to pull it ever again. Liberals hate the Daily Mail because it is some kind of real life hate machine - but they are more reserved than you might think, some editor has decided for complicated reasons that a story like this can only be raised in context - that means pussyfooting around the issue.
How much do you think it would have cost to save this stranded pathetic couple? in terms of what we spend currently on other social programmes, just a thought..
NEVER MIND, fuck them, what do they know about problems? this is what most people I know think is important, and dammit I am with them!
YES! there is not enough money going into the education system. Hahaha jokes on the government! now less people will want to go to university - and that is a bad thing! If they don't bring the fees down then ..? that negatively impacts Britain somehow.
Actually it is ironic as most of these people are represented and led by the National Union of Students to whom every single university is a compulsory member. This body is allocated a compulsory budget running in the millions of pounds to publish thousands of copies of it's own free newspaper, run fraudulent elections, employ several full time staff, and an additional budget for whatever the elections promise. Since I Joined; 1 million for a new night club, I million refurnishing a bar, 1 million turning a posh bar into some hi-tech Asian fusion gook food place - oh and tuition fees trebled . The university itself has also been a building site for the past three years; workman a full half mile around the complex digging up roads, clearing Forest, laying foundations, building huge subterranean complexes and an overground institutes where a lake used to be - and .... somebody needs to pay for it.
While cuts are made to the Navy, Airforce, Army (thousands of essential skilled personnel on the dole - costing more on the welfare system), and less help for ordinary families that are struggling.
Look, just fuck off OK waste is just a natural thing - you people - you right wing assholes are so whiny and cynical, but there are people who need our help more than Mr and Ms 'whiter than white' Mullins like developing countries in Africa. Africa is really this shit place, the television and news media showed me loads and is therefore my concern, so despite whatever alleged problems we have a moral duty to increase out foreign aid to 12billion.
David Cameron explains:
And just before remembrance day - we can all sympathise with this on some level, maybe you remember youth and your single whitetrash debt ridden mother crying over spilt milk and electricity bills - and how helpless you feel to do anything about it. The timing is something, really it is why this can qualify as an article in today's media - the numbers of ex serviceman who have gone street could not be covered individually in this way as it would expose what is actually a national problem. A paper like the Mail is in a difficult position; it's readers want people like this to be properly cared for, but with out current government could not enact any form of welfare policy without that policy primarily being abused by the most unwanted and parasitical sections of society (like any other welfare policy) - therefore it cannot be mentioned because it would face people with the obvious solution of accepting discrimination or accepting this shit. They cannot do this, god knows they tried that shit in the 1930's and they know never to pull it ever again. Liberals hate the Daily Mail because it is some kind of real life hate machine - but they are more reserved than you might think, some editor has decided for complicated reasons that a story like this can only be raised in context - that means pussyfooting around the issue.
How much do you think it would have cost to save this stranded pathetic couple? in terms of what we spend currently on other social programmes, just a thought..
NEVER MIND, fuck them, what do they know about problems? this is what most people I know think is important, and dammit I am with them!
YES! there is not enough money going into the education system. Hahaha jokes on the government! now less people will want to go to university - and that is a bad thing! If they don't bring the fees down then ..? that negatively impacts Britain somehow.
Actually it is ironic as most of these people are represented and led by the National Union of Students to whom every single university is a compulsory member. This body is allocated a compulsory budget running in the millions of pounds to publish thousands of copies of it's own free newspaper, run fraudulent elections, employ several full time staff, and an additional budget for whatever the elections promise. Since I Joined; 1 million for a new night club, I million refurnishing a bar, 1 million turning a posh bar into some hi-tech Asian fusion gook food place - oh and tuition fees trebled . The university itself has also been a building site for the past three years; workman a full half mile around the complex digging up roads, clearing Forest, laying foundations, building huge subterranean complexes and an overground institutes where a lake used to be - and .... somebody needs to pay for it.
While cuts are made to the Navy, Airforce, Army (thousands of essential skilled personnel on the dole - costing more on the welfare system), and less help for ordinary families that are struggling.
Look, just fuck off OK waste is just a natural thing - you people - you right wing assholes are so whiny and cynical, but there are people who need our help more than Mr and Ms 'whiter than white' Mullins like developing countries in Africa. Africa is really this shit place, the television and news media showed me loads and is therefore my concern, so despite whatever alleged problems we have a moral duty to increase out foreign aid to 12billion.
David Cameron explains:
"They see us make painful cuts to budgets at home and wonder why we are increasing our spending abroad.See, you people have no idea what you are talking about. Fascism is a morally bankrupt evil ideology based on a hatred for humanist values. We have worked so hard since those times to make things FAIR and EQUAL - god - you people are so stupid. Yes, all of you, I only started this blog to prove how ignorant and hateful you all are. If you got mad at this then it reveals your lack of belief in the current system, our democratic instututions and our super smart leaders to make Britain a more hate free society. You should all feel immense SHAME.
And they look at where some of our aid money has gone in recent years – on the wrong priorities and into the wrong hands – and think: this is all being wasted.
They have a point. Some of our money has been wasted. But that’s not an argument to stop aid. It’s an argument to change the way aid is delivered and that’s what we’re doing.
It is right for the British Prime Minister to be out there with British businesses trying to drum up exports and growth for our economy.
It is what I have done in India, China and now Africa
it was a great honour to be in the country to toast the former anti-apartheid leader .. who is an inspiration to the world"
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