Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Crime of the century

it happened people, racism has occurred. This thing has gone pretty much viral and left our nation in shock, we simply were not prepared.

This is literally the worst thing any individual can do, it is an act so evil that it occurs in a vacuum! A rapist or a murderer, or a paedophile not only has more rights than they deserve but their crimes are committed in a very complex sociological network. As a humanities and sociology student it was explained to me that even the most individual of human decisions are determined by an outlaying set of causal factors based on society's failings. Most forms of petty crime are you see, are directly correlated with relative deprivation which the individual becomes conscious of and revolt against. low life ghetto thugs understand concepts of class and universal processes of dialectical materialism - so their turning to crime is really the product of neglect and discrimination. Humanitarianists look with disgust at proponents of the death penalty and feel they take the moral high ground against barbaric treatments.

In this case though everyone has been thrown into temporary collective insanity The Daily Mail claims to be shocked and disgusted. Yes she should have been detained - for shouting and babbling on public transportation, but that will not be what she is charged for. In addition to the public lynching she will experience over the next few months, under the incitement to racial hatred act and god knows what else this woman will;
- Lose her job
- Go to prison
- Lose her child
If she is found guilty.

'Hate' - that word again, what does it mean? This goes against everything I was taught under the logic of Marxism; that Prejudice and bigotry is unnatural - after all if intolerance is the product of capitalism as a means to divide the working class is this woman not just as much a victim as the asylum seeker who steals to feed himself. What happened to what we were always taught 'you were not there' 'did you know their home life' 'what racism have they experienced' - The first defence is always that we cannot judge an event when it was not captured from the start. What happened to all these arguments? What do you think this woman felt; anger, sadness, desperation - are we to say that these were entirely irrational - she simply broke out in a rash of bigotry or could it be that something caused that?

See this comment and tell me if a part of you feels hate?
This is England being told.

Whatever you thought of this incident, if you are British and you felt something, then you are no better in the eyes of the powers that be than that woman. perhaps you now understand the great task they face - this is just a side effect of repression, one woman exploding. In the next decade we are going to see hundreds of these clips, there are already many like them; old people being taunted by a gang of youths with mobile phones, people like the woman on public transport with everyone around her speaking a foreign language. Every one of these I regard as a victory, because in my eyes it lays the blame squarely at the feet of those who were responsible. This is the sound of the multicult crashing down; it is going to start with things like this, and move up and up, and get worse! For once, I say that it should be the people in power who are made to answer for the mess they have created on the day of the rope.

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