Friday 30 September 2011

The goal of education is to destroy you

Liberals celebrate themselves endlessly for all the so called civil rights and progress they have given us, it is like being invited to your own funeral by your murderers so you can thank them in person. They really like to rub everyones noses in it with all these anniversary events, history months, monuments, television specials and so on. They act like it was the most significant thing that ever occurred and young people today are taught to idolise the struggle of the 60's-80's for the institutionalisation of the equality movement and prize its dead culture; its films, its music, literature, and so forth are embedded into both the media and the curriculum as the pinnacle of human development. the primary concern of these people is that when we move into modernity people will stop caring about their struggle and we could lapse into something horrible.

The reality is that the achievement of the civil rights movement has been to steadily erode and utterly destroy the the quality and meaning of human life. The entire history of the civil rights movement as a process has been the dismantling of the rights and privileges of the majority population under the guise of 'equality', the 'giving of rights to others' - If you have awarded a minority with the sacred and legal right to be equal in a given field without affecting them in any way - must necessitate a penalty on the majority group. the more minority groups and fields you add the more of the population is debased to the lowest common denominator.

>Schools will be penalised if they fail to improve the progress ofvulnerable’ groups of pupils such as those who are gay, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual. New Ofsted guidelines reveal that heads of primary and secondary schools must show their education ‘meets the needs of the range of pupils’ in their classrooms, including gipsy and traveller children.
>Schools could see their teaching being judged ‘inadequate’ if they do not reduce gaps in achievement between different groups who make up a significant proportion of their student population.
>Children should be provided with paper other than white to drawn on and paints and crayons should come in "the full range of flesh tones", reflecting the diversity of the human race
>The measures, outlined in a series of guides in Nursery World magazine, are aimed at avoiding racial bias in toddlers as young as two. According to the guides, very young children may begin to express negative and discriminatory views about skin colour and appearance that nursery staff must help them "unlearn".
>People who are feeling defensive can say 'well there’s nothing wrong with white paper’, but in reality there could be if you don’t see yourself reflected in the things around you,” she said.
>“People might criticise this as political correctness gone mad. But it is because of political correctness we have moved on enormously. If you think that we now take it for granted that our buildings and public highways are adapted so people in wheelchairs and with pushchairs can move around. Years ago if you were in a wheelchair, then tough luck. We have completely moved and we wouldn’t have done that without the equality movement.”

The Equality movement... let that sink in. Equality is a dishonest term in that it is a codeword for anti-life, so far as the word 'life' has meaning in the survival sense. To make children equal, you must rob the entire youth of the challenges and experiences that make life bearable, so all kids can be the same as the drooling retard. Some people cannot be raised up from the bottom, because their constitution is simply inferior - the egalitarian insistence that all people are equal and their culture equally valid results in a failure to acknowledge this possibility and prevents any treatment of the cause. If you really wanted to raise the standards of children from 'disadvantaged communities' you would address the core social issue which would be to take them out of these communities and re socialise them while they are young, - you also get rid of all the negative cultural influences that affect them; the television, their music, anything that carries their culture, you get rid of it and instill in them the superior values of the majority group. Because that is not an option and therefore raising the standards of these people is impossible - the solution will more often than not to destroy the standards of education to a mind numbing dross, and the HAVE to do this, it is legislated and teachers on the front line have to meet their equality targets. They will also face the similar problem of addressing the equality issues of an imagined group such as aforementioned transsexual children. I mean, what the actual fuck are you supposed to do with that? A significant part of promoting equality is 'educating' young in cultural marxism at the expense of endless time that could have been spent educating children about practical life skills.

Looking back on my own experience it was difficult even then to get anything done - I really made the effort to try and challenge myself with something that resembled a protestant ethic, even for the things that didn't count; behaving well, dressing and speaking properly, but absolutely nobody gave a shit, and I feel my attitude actually resulted in me being penalised by some of the trotskyite teachers who made assumptions about my background. All the wealth and class issues leftists bang on about has nothing to do with it, We didn't have any money, any text books, television, computers, none of that - but we still tried - but what is the point of trying today? liberals don't know what they are doing, they hope they are going to create a generations of left wing hedonists , they are totally wrong it is economically and socially unsustainable. From primary education to university it is prizes for all, half the adult population doing temporised debased degrees that are worthless in the real world, - their hope is by this point you are so indoctrinated into the systems way of thinking that you don't realise you have been conned out of an existence. That is what all the liberal self celebration is for, it is the great social lie that is marching us to social oblivion - and therefore the promise of starting again.

The more the system does this the more that people will realise they face a very real choice between Integralism=Life and communism=death. Already this hopelessly flawed system is robbing the population of its idealism. it has already left a generation of young people with a bitter superiority complex - those who were intelligent and knew they could have done well, but realise now that their future and history has been sold out after they were mislead by false heroes and role models to maintain the wrong aspirations. You have the great social problem of enforced nihilism - to make people equal has meant that we have lost our national culture - the very thing that used to make like bearable, that got people up in the morning; anything that gave people pride and a sense of responsibility has been robbed from millions of our people, leaving a very big hole - right went hey all need it the most in face of the lofty and unattainable standards promoted by liberalism. Desperate, Betrayed, weakened, fearful - It invites trouble for the future from those offering a cure to the current mess.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Yuri Bezmenov - how to subvert a society

KGB defector who changed his name to Tomas Schuman on how to demoralise a society. His work has been widely stolen from by far right commentators, (programmes like follow the white rabbit) and this is the origin of the termiology. As an adversary the extent of his work was not to introduce into america something alien but to promote existing tendencies and attitudes in society that are already destroying it. There is apparantly reason behind it; it is questionable why american security interests (Security being the only section that functions properly) invest so much in countering internet censorship in china and 'democracy movements' in the middle east.

The point is you have a direct correlation between the dominant political attitudes in the west - and exactly what someone would do if they wanted to actually destroy a nation.

Yuri says their goal is to undermine/break up the following.

Religion - politicise, commercialise - postmodernism: 'supermarket of faith'
Education - promote moral relativity and permissiveness
Media - monopolise it, make it irrelevant and narrative driven, create a myopia of uninformed opinion
Culture - False heroes and role models, consumerism, fads.

Law and order - Is 'legislative' not moral
Social relations - Rights vs. obligations, replacement of community with bureaucracy, social workers ect.
Security - denigrate the image of Police, Military, intelligence as dangerous. glamorise/portray sympathetically; outlaws, criminals, the enemy, spies, etc.
Internal politics - politics/Political party non issues = antagonisms - divide society against itself.
Foreign relations - enemies as 'friends', stunts, world community.

Family - Break up, create dependency on welfare.
Health - sports as supplement, junk food, - enfeeble the masses
Race - Run ethnic conflict, promote entitlement of minority group/oppression complex
Population - Urbanise the population, 'urban culture' to alienate them from the historical national life
Labour - Unions vs society. Promote entitlement and victimisation

I think an important part of argument is having a consistant message. Here you have all of these individual things that relate to the wider issue of national survival. To oppose the processes that are aimed against you requires that you should expose the destructive tendency for what it is. Liberals will say things like 'racist' if they want to discredit you, because if you promote group identity exclusion is a possibility = RACISM! - you must make people understand it is the same of liberalism, that it is their destruction and that the choice in this world is between Communism and Fascism/ death and Life.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Ruling party conference

Relevant stories

The Liberal Democrats are having a party conference where they intend to make very bold centrist statements. Nick clegg affirmed his party's commitment to Liberal social policies and moderate public spending! .. I know, he is very brave, especially with all of the opposition he will face.

This is how stupid the press thinks you are, even though they believe their own lies, they actually spin this as interparty drama - making out that the parties dislike each other and are at war all off all the time. High politics this is!

Both arms of the money power's liberal press realise they require conflict to prop each other up. By creating superficial attacks on elements of conservatism the right wing press much keep people's faith in it's political party - despite every day complaining about things like this whilst conveniently forgetting the responsibility of the current government. It is more than convenience. Likewise the left wing maintains the theatrics of petty self satisfied egalitarian jeering, standing for principles and giving one to David - while in reality they need the Tories to stay large so the party can sustain a liberal elite and take on its own back benchers. Though I should add this section of the press is printed exclusively for smug self satisfied trendy arseholes and neckbearded politics faggots who love the smell of their own farts, it is the extent of the other side.
The social tensions behind this summer’s rioting must not be ignored, Nick Clegg will warn today.

The Deputy Prime Minister will use his flagship conference speech to insist many of the looters had ‘lost touch with their own future’ because they had been let down by society.

Mr Clegg will also announce a £50million scheme to offer 100,000 disadvantaged children two weeks of summer school at the age of 11 to help them to ‘catch up and get ready for the challenges ahead’.

But it is the Lib Dem leader’s language on the riots that will cause most controversy.

He will try to rally traditional supporters by distancing himself from the Conservatives over law and order.
Are these not the policies that David Cameron endorses? this is a warning to us that we need to test our tolerance over the coming months.

Politics is generally speaking a bad thing. Liberals use it well, they have all these narratives to prop up the illusion of a multi party system, and diffuse dissent by confusing the British people and getting them to fight amongst themselves. The parties are all the same, it is the same political elite, the same followers, all trying to kill us! - all committed to the same aims and goals heading towards our destruction.

The same can not be said for us, we seem to achive the opposite effect of remaining inconsistant defensive, and confused. We have to learn to attack, to take an offensive position in exposing the contradictions of fake politics, get people to realise it is not this party and that party, but us and them. If you get people to hate politicians, make them realise they have been conned, they will hate. People have short memories as these article proves, remind them of the things they have done to us - make them aware that they are part of a national group that is under attack. Abandon politics, that is not what is imporant, you have to get the nation to see the anti nation and set it on a colission course. Do your part to expose political theatre and help bring about it's destruction.

Friday 16 September 2011

Is your Baby racist?

> Teachers are branding thousands of children racist or homophobic following playground squabbles. More than 20,000 pupils aged 11 or younger were last year put on record for so-called hate crimes such as using the word ‘gaylord’. Some of them are even from nursery schools where children are no older than three.
> One youngster was accused of being racist for calling a boy ‘broccoli head’ and another was said to be homophobic for telling a teacher ‘this work is gay’. Two primary school children were reported for homophobia after
quarrelling over a rubber and calling each other ‘gay’ and ‘lesbian’.
>Schools are forced to report the language to education authorities, which keep a register of incidents.Although the Department for Education recently pledged to cut unnecessary red tape and bureaucracy, it has given no guidance on such ‘offences’. In total, 34,000 nursery, primary and secondary pupils were effectively classed as bigots because of anti-bullying rules.
> The school can keep the pupil’s name and ‘crime’ on file. The record can be passed from primaries to secondaries or when a pupil moves between schools. And if schools are asked for a pupil reference by a future employer or a university, the record could be used as the basis for it, meaning the pettiest of incidents has the potential to blight a child for life.
> The figures show 34,000 racist incidents reported by schools to local education authorities in England and Wales. Of these, 20,000 were at primary schools.

> Schools were required by the Labour government in 2002 to monitor and report all racist incidents to their local authority. Teachers must name the alleged perpetrator and victim and spell out the incident and the punishment. Local authority records show the type of incident but not the name of the child involved.

This may shock you, even frighten you a little. You may think how you can even comment on a story like this, because of how serious this is. the truth is it IS very serious, but this is the state of things all the time, Things are always in black and white. All I see here is allegedly hamless ideas that nobody blinks an eye to being taken to a logical conclusion; A list is how a totalitarian system functions if it wants to ensure its survival, the weaklings and the ones that think improperly you need to collect and do something about them otherwise they cause you problems. From a liberal perspective it could be seen as incredibly humane, a good start in life to correct the moral thinking of a toddler who would otherwise nurture his bad thoughts and grow up to do something worse. Why not?

As a system for streaming the potentially 'bigoted' it is horribly inefficient and pointless - I mean they are kids right? the 'treatment' is basically random and arbitrary. I mean, how are they supposed to get their heads around the semiotics of a cultural Marxist social construct to accept it in the affirmative or negative? They wouldn't have got me, that's for sure! outwardly I ate up so much of that garbage they fed me in the humanities classes that I could have been a professor of discrimination studies. I remember having one unrecorded incident aged 11 when I might have said something I shouldn't, I but instantly realising what I said I froze completely and began begging forgiveness, pity was taken upon me.

So I like it when our people get upset by something, It is good! They are realising they have been conned - That will make them angry - then will come action! it shows people the destructive and ruthless nature of what we have, and that ultimately it is a choice between Cultural Communism or Cultural Fascism and time is running short.

A Liberal I knew said he didn't care about stories like these other than framing them negatively was a bad thing, it is something we should embrace because it keeps us from the alternative - Fascism, back to the 1950's, etc. If pissing off a few moaning (but otherwise harmless) mail readers All the better!

My advice is don't get mad, do something about it. What are you upset about? A list? We can make a list as well you numpkin! A list is just a list, some people will fear just being on any kind of list, but really it isn't what matters - what matters is that unlike this pathetic piece of government legislation ours would have a legitimate Iron Fist behind it - the infinite scorn of the people and their will to hand out their own form of justice.

All the teachers, the school officials, the 'community leaders', the bureaucrats, the politicians - Everybody who was part of this attempt to destroy us, everybody who is part of the anti-nation - They get their own list as well; Their names and addresses along with their crimes and we will act on them.

Never despair. there is plently of time to see justice done.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Why I hate...

U mad? hate is a very powerful emotion.

Personally, I cannot descibe how angry things like this make me, and it is made all the worse that you have to ignore it - you are supposed to pretend everything is alwayswonderful and we live in some peaceful communist fagfuck utopia. 'problems in society?' are only the indirect cause of intollerance in society. All year round from age one you are have this false ideology shoved down your throat, even from preschool. You can't have an opinion on it, You can't discuss it, you can't vote on it, etcetera etcetera.

Despite this I have never met a true humanist. In regards to the holocaust, starving Africans, all the causes we are supposed to care about I have never seen anyone actually give an actual fuck, though they might pretend to - it is only because they wish it meant something to them.

Even liberals I know cannot explain why it is they sponsor Africans, to me it just doesn't make sense how you can be so connected to something without any real information or knowledge on the subject - It is obvious for what it is a selfish charade to validate their existence. Humanism is unhuman, it is not based on reality, it is a suicidal attitude of warmness to everything whilst simultaneously knowing nothing about it - make belief for adults who see the world in happy rainbows. this is why they so vigorously suppress the truth, they fear it.

I do not think it is possible to ever know the suffering of some great 'tragedy', to presume you have that kind of connection is more than arrogant. On the other hand the only time I have ever seen friends and family get angry is over is over stuff like this. Otto Strasser said that Hate must be born of love - we hate because it is based on something that is real, because we think collectively in the very real sense. Nationalism is the only socialism. When you see your country attacked, or something that is sacred to you, The pain you feel is not a self entitled ago trip it hits you personally - It is an attack on your borders, your identity, your survival, your sense of security. It makes sense evolutionarily, it is a survival mechanism that is trying to tell your body that you need act!

This is worth baring in mind when your relative frowns at the cover of the Daily mail or some libtard tells you that everything about you is just a social construct.

Saturday 3 September 2011

UN says: Don't knock down illegal traveller site

>They have been desperately searching for supporters to help fight their eviction. So within minutes of discovering that no less than the United Nations was backing their cause yesterday, residents of Europe’s largest illegal traveller camp triumphantly raised the organisation’s blue flag in celebration. In an astonishing intervention, the UN condemned plans to bulldoze the Dale Farm camp and insisted that the eviction should be suspended to protect the travellers’ human rights. The demand came from the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, which said bailiffs should be called off until travellers are found ‘culturally appropriate alternative accommodation’. It comes days after the High Court in Britain ruled that the camp in Crays Hill, Essex, should be demolished. The evictions of 80 families on 52 plots are set to begin within a fortnight.

If these people's rights to a culturally appropriate home is so important why doesn't the UN take them? The main flaw of liberal morality beside being narrative based is that the standard is always universal, No matter whether the originator of the legislation takes active responsibility, if affected by the issue, or fails to meet their own standard - it in no prevents the rest of us having to meet that goal. Rich humanitarian liberal professors will sit in their closed off offices and lecture halls deciding, judging, that what is needed is the most progressive thing because that is right - but carry on just as they do before yet find some way to make people feel guilty about it. I am reminded of that first great liberal essay written by Peter Singer in the 1970's that says every westerner is morally bound to give virtually everything, up to the clothing on their backs to help third world hunger - yet he himself has not quite done this as is the case with the many millions of libtarded scum who have since read that essay and agreed with him.

What about the rights of our people? how is the culture, well being and livelihood of the residents affected by the presence of this pikey camp. Do we all get 'culturally appropriate' housing. We have sod all, and we had to work for it as well, find our own way, make our own comfort.

I have a suggestion if they want to live somewhere that is culturally appropriate why not send them back to where their culture originated; Ireland?

Friday 2 September 2011

"the battle will be long and let Libya burn."

>In Thursday's message, Gadhafi said the tribes in Sirte and Bani Walid are armed and "there is no way they will submit." He called for continued resistance, warning "the battle will be long and let Libya burn."

Ich frage euch: Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg? Wollt ihr ihn, wenn nötig, totaler und radikaler, als wir ihn uns heute überhaupt erst vorstellen können? Nun, Volk, steh auf und Sturm brich los!

When our politicians intervened, they did so on the naive premise that they are on the right side of history and should support democracy movements everywhere, even in countries with high standards of living, Jacobin democracy is always good and can make us more democratic beacuse we are all the same! They didn't understand what a civil war actually means and thought a few bombs would be all that was needed to encourage the populous to turn out in the streets demanding their 'freedoms'. they have nothing to complain about, Libya is the closest thing to a bloated welfare state as you can get in the middle east with the highest standard of living in the region.

Now half a year later humanitarian air strikes have toppled the regime from the capital and the rebels are claiming victory before it is all over - at this point NATO would like to exit fast as it has long overstretched its capacity for a limited war. Just they wait until the rebels start turning on each other, they already have. Despite media lies about the homogeneous peaceful democratic nature of the rebels you have all the factions: the deep tribal divisions, the radical Islamic element, the blacks, the opportunistic military commanders (and their personal armies) that have defected, and of course the portion of the country still under Gaddafi's Control (including the second capital Sirte) - In all that this unelected central government has to not only prevent another civil war but enforce the vision of our own politicians of a new peaceful Canada style alternative left social democracy on the whole country!


Al Qaeda are our good friends now we are sending them billions in aid and military assistance but wait till they find that their representatives sold them out to being western puppets. Whoever takes Libya will have to unite it somehow to maintain control - who is going to bet that it will be the intervening outsiders who all the blame will fall onto. Liberals think they are making the world better and that they should be thanked, but they live in a fantasy world - liberal rights and morals are a narrative based contructon. Everyone says they fight for human rights, Gadaffi before the conflict was a 'human rights champion', whom Nelson Mandella accepted awards from. Who is to say that we will always have the power to define morality in each theatre. Moreover what do all the proud and civilised edicts that make western politicians feel all progressive actually mean in the middle of a bloody war of dirt people.

Now that Gadaffi himself is out of the actual fighting and fortified deep inside the country he could wage quite an effective guerrilla campaign from there. At the beginning of the conflict when the rebels started advancing Gadaffi threatened to open up his weapon caches to the people and leave the place in total anarchy, and goodness knows what else he has. When he says Libya will burn. mabye he means it?

NATO doesn't have the stomach for this - not because it is expensive or because it contradicts their moral position (which will always be diseased), it is because they are weak minded and cannot take the moral responsibility of doing what needs to be done to strug
gle. The very politicians who led the call for bombing demanded out pilots apologise for 'civilian' deaths. In the 1920's a popular campaign against Italian occupation was launched, in response the Fascists used poison gas, concentration camps, hangings, mass rapes, destruction of mosques, mass killing - Everything that is needed to wage war for the destruction of the enemy, Libya was pacified in months. Extermination and Catastrophe is something we could achieve with almost no effort - We could do this with one bomber going its round dropping some nerve gas or Nuclear weapons in capital cities. We can't even put boots on the ground because Germaine Greer says a Libyan woman might get raped.
"Modern man is more of a moral coward. He wants the advantages of violent intolerance — which is only natural — but he shuns the responsibility of it." - Savitri Devi
All war is an atrocity - You have to embrace that. Let those who can fight, fight. Those without the will to overcome the thousands of resistances life brings are not worthy of life.

London is no longer an English city, That's how we got the Olympics

>Mass immigration has turned London into a city that is 'no longer English', John Cleese claims.

'I'm not sure what's going on in Britain. Or, let me say this – I don't know what's going on in London, because London is no longer an English city.

'That's how we got the Olympics.

'They said we were the most cosmopolitan city on Earth. But it doesn't feel English.

Cleese it should be noted was a supporter of the SDP in the 1980's. There is a steely eyed lone wolf in everyone because it is unnatural to be a cultural communist and utterly loathe yourself.

>A spokesman for London mayor Boris Johnson said: 'If the King's Road is jam-packed with foreign tourists then that is something we should celebrate.'

>former mayor Ken Livingstone – currently standing for the post again – said: 'To stay competitive, London must be what New York is to the U.S., a global centre of business, culture and innovation, none of which can be achieved without people of all nations working and living here.'

You put the pieces together