Friday 2 September 2011

"the battle will be long and let Libya burn."

>In Thursday's message, Gadhafi said the tribes in Sirte and Bani Walid are armed and "there is no way they will submit." He called for continued resistance, warning "the battle will be long and let Libya burn."

Ich frage euch: Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg? Wollt ihr ihn, wenn nötig, totaler und radikaler, als wir ihn uns heute überhaupt erst vorstellen können? Nun, Volk, steh auf und Sturm brich los!

When our politicians intervened, they did so on the naive premise that they are on the right side of history and should support democracy movements everywhere, even in countries with high standards of living, Jacobin democracy is always good and can make us more democratic beacuse we are all the same! They didn't understand what a civil war actually means and thought a few bombs would be all that was needed to encourage the populous to turn out in the streets demanding their 'freedoms'. they have nothing to complain about, Libya is the closest thing to a bloated welfare state as you can get in the middle east with the highest standard of living in the region.

Now half a year later humanitarian air strikes have toppled the regime from the capital and the rebels are claiming victory before it is all over - at this point NATO would like to exit fast as it has long overstretched its capacity for a limited war. Just they wait until the rebels start turning on each other, they already have. Despite media lies about the homogeneous peaceful democratic nature of the rebels you have all the factions: the deep tribal divisions, the radical Islamic element, the blacks, the opportunistic military commanders (and their personal armies) that have defected, and of course the portion of the country still under Gaddafi's Control (including the second capital Sirte) - In all that this unelected central government has to not only prevent another civil war but enforce the vision of our own politicians of a new peaceful Canada style alternative left social democracy on the whole country!


Al Qaeda are our good friends now we are sending them billions in aid and military assistance but wait till they find that their representatives sold them out to being western puppets. Whoever takes Libya will have to unite it somehow to maintain control - who is going to bet that it will be the intervening outsiders who all the blame will fall onto. Liberals think they are making the world better and that they should be thanked, but they live in a fantasy world - liberal rights and morals are a narrative based contructon. Everyone says they fight for human rights, Gadaffi before the conflict was a 'human rights champion', whom Nelson Mandella accepted awards from. Who is to say that we will always have the power to define morality in each theatre. Moreover what do all the proud and civilised edicts that make western politicians feel all progressive actually mean in the middle of a bloody war of dirt people.

Now that Gadaffi himself is out of the actual fighting and fortified deep inside the country he could wage quite an effective guerrilla campaign from there. At the beginning of the conflict when the rebels started advancing Gadaffi threatened to open up his weapon caches to the people and leave the place in total anarchy, and goodness knows what else he has. When he says Libya will burn. mabye he means it?

NATO doesn't have the stomach for this - not because it is expensive or because it contradicts their moral position (which will always be diseased), it is because they are weak minded and cannot take the moral responsibility of doing what needs to be done to strug
gle. The very politicians who led the call for bombing demanded out pilots apologise for 'civilian' deaths. In the 1920's a popular campaign against Italian occupation was launched, in response the Fascists used poison gas, concentration camps, hangings, mass rapes, destruction of mosques, mass killing - Everything that is needed to wage war for the destruction of the enemy, Libya was pacified in months. Extermination and Catastrophe is something we could achieve with almost no effort - We could do this with one bomber going its round dropping some nerve gas or Nuclear weapons in capital cities. We can't even put boots on the ground because Germaine Greer says a Libyan woman might get raped.
"Modern man is more of a moral coward. He wants the advantages of violent intolerance — which is only natural — but he shuns the responsibility of it." - Savitri Devi
All war is an atrocity - You have to embrace that. Let those who can fight, fight. Those without the will to overcome the thousands of resistances life brings are not worthy of life.

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