Tuesday 9 August 2011

Left media coverage of the 2011 Riot

Already, in face of such public anger over the soft approach the Left wing dissenting voice demonstrates its infinite capacity to enrage everyone with its ludicrous demands and totally warped perspective. You would think, this being their mess, they would just shut up and let this pass, but no.

To date what many hold up to be the most 'intelligent' piece on the conflict

Here you have Liberal and Left wing people who say they always stand up for the so called 'victims' in society - an amorphous concept of inequality, yet what objection have any of them raised to the thousands of very real victims who have fallen prey to these scum? People who have lost their homes and businesses, been mugged, attacked, and injured. If you will victims of the Liberals whose social and immigration policies have inflicted this suffering on them. If you cared about the victims in society then you would untie the forces to go and save all these people whose lives are being ruined, to intervene and to gun down all of these scum that get in the way and attack our boys.

It is the express job of the left to defend the utterly indefensible. These people don't have any place in society; they don't work, they don't integrate, not because they can't but because they don't want to - they are a totally lost cause. It’s like a mother who gives birth to a wretched diseased retard baby, and demands the impossible - that every feat be made to make that creature equal to other humans through high tech sciences given to it by the community - and with the inevitable shortfall, enforce laws that everyone pretend it is a normal child.

This is the same, except we are expected to believe that the problem is one of material inequality. Hello geniuses - if the only thing stopping these social parasists from physically destroying our people is a wide screen TV, there was never a bond to begin with. 1930's there was perhaps the greatest destitution seen in the 20th century here in Britain. Millions of feral children running around without shoes, 30% unemployment, virtually no social security or programmes, starvation followed by rationing - yet What did they do? they stuck together through a world war accepting more privation, they committed virtually no crime or violence of any kind unless it was for a political cause. Even for a spectacle like Cable Street the red agitators had to bus in half of their demonstrators from the other end of Britain

We brought most of these rioters in from third world countries where, without historical intervention they would form the starving masses of the black continent - but we took them whole heartedly into our island nation, gave them everything, allowed them to keep their culture, gave them a life, so where is the gratitude? Totally stomped out by the sense of entitlement perpetuated by the media on its people. Selfish calculated materialism designed to destroy this nation.

left wing media Perpetuates the problem on so many levels. Most of all it is insulting to us when we see it, because we feel like it is us who are so blatantly under attack. Well don't worry, we'll stick together from now on, and leave all these unfortunate leftists to their 'pets'.

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